Weapon Training (Primary) Question

By GMort., in Black Crusade

I'm currently designing a Heretek character for Black Crusade.

Amongst his starting talents is weapon training (Las, Primary and Shock). I presumed that 'Primary' simply meant that you were proficient with whichever weapon you selected from amongst the options in Starting Gear, however in the definition of Weapon Training in the Talents section 'Primary' is also listed as a specialisation of some kind.

So does Primary mean that I pick a weapon I'm equipped with as a specialisation or does it have another meaning that I've missed?

Any help with the answer to this (possibly) dumb question would be much appreciated.

Primary is the former primitive - everything you can whack someone with the way our ancestors did. Swords, axes, bows, knives...

Thanks. That makes perfect sense now.

Not to nitpick, but bows and crossbows count as solid projectile weapons, the primary weapons are all melee.