Here's the card text:
Communal Shower
[Cthulhu] The Thing From the Shore F88 / Illustrator: Mark Winters
[support] - Location.
Cost : 2
Game Text: Players cannot commit characters they control from different factions to the same story.
Flavor text: They took pleasure in the simple, routine things. Things remembered from what seemed like many lifetimes ago.
First the (hopefully) easier question:
Is it possible for a player to commit characters from one faction and neutral (i.e. faction-less) characters to the same story while Communal Shower is in play?
Now the somewhat weird, second question:
Does Communal Shower effectively prevent characters with multiple factions from committing to stories?
In case you're wondering, you can use e.g. Strange Delusions to temporarily add additional factions to a character:
Strange Delusions
[Neutral] The Path to Y'ha-nthlei F118 / Illustrator: Katherine Dinger
[support] - Attachment.
Cost : 1
Game Text: Attach to a character or support card.
: Exhaust Strange Delusions to give attached card a faction affiliation of your choice until the end of the phase.