When performing Charge ( "... Perform 1 attack against a figure in your area with +1 attak dice ") order I decided to use Lancer special ability which states "Instead of attacking you may choose Locust in your area and roll 4 attack dice. ..." so can I roll 5 dice? I think I can't because this is not attack as it states "instead of attacking" what do You say?
Another question is: When I use my last ammo token from Mulcher to perform its overkill attack and I roll omen, can I use this weapon again despite of the fact that I have no ammo tokens on it (Bulletstorm states: "After this attack, you may attack a different Locust with this weapon. ..." )? I would say yes, because text on weapon card overwrites general rules. Moreover it has sense as this additional attack simulates other bullets from previous attack. What do You think?