Unopposed help please!

By Skowza, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

I'm trying to build an unopposed deck for melee since we have so many newbs in our meta and they all want to play melee. I feel like such a newb myself now because I have no idea how to go about it; I've always felt like unopposed builds are very expensive and have therefore avoided them in the past. Really the main problem is that I am almost completely unfamiliar with the events and attachments I should be using... can anyone help me out?
So far I'm using Wex Pyke, Nute, 3x Victarion, 3x Bloodthirsty Crew, Balon, and Orell. I haven't actually counted how many Raiders I have yet, so I haven't decided on which version of Euron to use.
I have Ahead of the Tide and Risen from the Sea for events but no attachments other than Support of Harlaw. I really want to use Horn of Dragons since so many of my opponents are playing Dragon decks, but I can't decide if its really worth it against a non-Dragon build.
I'm especially struggling with locations right now since I want Iron Mines, Iron Cliffs, LIV, Longship Black Wind and Scouting Vessels, which is leaving little room for discount locations.
Also, not sure what my best bet for a restricted card is... NE or Val probably, considering FoW too.

Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks!

Skowza said:

I'm trying to build an unopposed deck for melee since we have so many newbs in our meta and they all want to play melee. I feel like such a newb myself now because I have no idea how to go about it; I've always felt like unopposed builds are very expensive and have therefore avoided them in the past. Really the main problem is that I am almost completely unfamiliar with the events and attachments I should be using... can anyone help me out?
So far I'm using Wex Pyke, Nute, 3x Victarion, 3x Bloodthirsty Crew, Balon, and Orell. I haven't actually counted how many Raiders I have yet, so I haven't decided on which version of Euron to use.
I have Ahead of the Tide and Risen from the Sea for events but no attachments other than Support of Harlaw. I really want to use Horn of Dragons since so many of my opponents are playing Dragon decks, but I can't decide if its really worth it against a non-Dragon build.
I'm especially struggling with locations right now since I want Iron Mines, Iron Cliffs, LIV, Longship Black Wind and Scouting Vessels, which is leaving little room for discount locations.
Also, not sure what my best bet for a restricted card is... NE or Val probably, considering FoW too.

Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks!

I recently had the same idea and decided to make the deck have two functions; unopposed battles and saves. So I am playing Euron's Enforcers. Since they're big beefy intimidaters. I've also got kings road fiefdoms to ensure I'll have the influence to use my saves on my salt wives and Maester Wendy. It also helps to for Assertion of Might. Going down the same path as Assertion of Might, I'm also running Make an Example.

When it comes to Iron Mines and Iron Cliffs, here is my thought. I'm running this deck with KoTHH, while I like a zero gold cost location, it's less useful because you don't get the set up. Iron Cliffs may be all you need, provided you play saves with event cards and character cards. ANother worthy choice might be Bay of Ice. Finally, I'm playing a couple of the unique war ships that draw you cards, so I'm not so sure I need Val. I chose Fear of Winter as my restricted card. These are my suggestions.

Thats my report from kublacon. I was running a Greyjoy unopposed deck. I think that pretty much sums up most of my opinion on the deck, how to play it, and what to run.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the feedback guys. Fieras, thats a really good report... a few questions though, if you don't mind:

First, the deck seems to be lacking draw mechanics, you said you got lucky and took Master of Laws when you could, but did you really feel confident about 1x LIV being the only draw mechanic?

Second, you ran 2x Balon and 1x Victarion... I was thinking it would be better the other way around, since Balon doesnt get his intimidate-like ability if there is another King, and it is likely that there would be a few Kings floating around in melee?

Finally, why did you use Alannys? I feel like she's a joust character, her value in melee is greatly reduced and just makes enemies... or is she in there for her Queen trait for some reason?

Draw mechanics might be lacking yeah, so I relied on winning initiative and taking master of laws a lot. I played at the gates and spending the winter stores as a partial draw mechanic, plus i was target of other peoples search plots a lot due to being the smallest threat at the time. I focused more on keeping my cards in play than anything.

2 copies of balon for his renown, I guess. I don't like running a lot of dupes usually, but I like Balon better than victarion. I don't have a super good reason why 2 and 1.

No specific reason on alannys. I am sure you could do better than her.

Thanks a lot. I may try to net-deck this a bit if thats ok with you (not like I'm taking it to any tournaments or anything, but its still polite to ask).

I feel like if people post deck lists they shoudl be prepared for that.

I have no issues. Tell me what you think, and if you make any changes.