No attachments except Weapon + Fishing Net

By eloooooooi, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

Hi again!

I have a question regarding Fishing Net:

Fishing Net

Item. Weapon. Condition.

Attached character cannot be declared as an attacker or defender, and does not count its STR for dominance.

Jon Snow

No attachments except Weapon.
Ghost is immune to events.
Response: After you win a challenge in which Jon Snow or Ghost participated, Jon Snow claims 1 power.

Can I attach Fishing Net to Jon Snow?

I'm not sure... Fishing Net is a Weapon, so it should not be a problem... But it's also a Condition and Jon Snow can only have Weapons... I found nothing when reading the Rules and the FAQs. Can you help me?

You can attach the fishing net to Jon Snow. You only make a positive check, wether the attachment is weapon or not.

Ok! Thanks Old Ben.

Does this information appear anywhere? Rules, FAQs...?

Thanks again!

You are making it a bit more complicated then it has to be. All Jon snow cares about is if it is a weapon or not (he's looking for a 1 or a 0; 1 attaches, 0 does not) Fishing net is a weapon so it has a 1 and it can be attached. Fishing net is also a condition and an item so it has a 2 and a 3 as well. Jon snow doesn't care about 2s or 3s and so they have no affect on him or his restriction. Once the 1 is there nothing else matters in regard to Jon Snow.

Said another way:

Jon tells Sam he will only eat red apples.

Sam has a small, red apple.

Does Sam assume Jon will eat the apple because it is red, or that he will not eat the apple because it is small?