A scoring system would be fun to have.
Arkham Horror uses the following:
If the players achieve one of the preceding victory conditions, the investigators have defeated the mythos threat and saved Arkham. The player with the most gate trophies is awarded the honorary title of First Citizen of Arkham. In the case of a tie, the title goes to the player with the most monster trophies.
You can rate your victory by using the following scoring system.
Start with the highest printed number on the doom track of the Ancient One.
Subtract the terror level at the end of the game.
Apply the following modifiers:
-1 per unpaid/defaulted Bank Loan
-1 per elder sign played during the game
+1 per unspent gate trophy at the end of the game
+1 for every three unspent monster trophies held at the end of the game
+1 per sane, surviving investigator at the end of the game.
Maybe the following would work?
If the players
win the game
, the investigators have defeated the mythos threat and saved Arkham. The player with the most
Other World Adventure Card
trophies is awarded the honorary title of First Citizen of Arkham. In the case of a tie, the title goes to the player with the most trophies.
You can rate your victory by using the following scoring system.
Start with the number
of spaces
on the doom track of the Ancient One.
Apply the following modifiers:
+1 for every three unspent trophies held at the end of the game
+1 per sane, surviving investigator at the end of the game
-1 per devoured investigator during the game
I thought of just counting the empty spaces on the doom track, however that would benefit battling the ancient one since all spaces would be empty.
Reducing the score for every "played elder signs during the game" would be silly since the needed elder signs are always two more than the number of spaces on the doom track. That reduction would also benefit battling the ancient one.
Any ideas on other scoring modifiers?