Do you have a way to notify us when new products are out?

By booored, in The FFG Website

Is there a blog, or rss feed, or twitter, or mailing list or SOMETHING that will let me know when new products are out? Logged back in teh site and see there is like 3 new xpacs for Mansion of Madness, 4 Lords of the Rings LCG, a TON of cuthulu stuff and more arkham horror and wtf.. a STAR WARS GAME!! holly geebus...

Seriously, there has to be some way yo unotify us of new products, besides having to physically come here to check the website?

hello? Anyone here?

hello?? Any help please?

echo echo echo echo echo

any help ever going to come over here?

echo echo echo echo echo

case in point!!!

Weel, it's possible to set up an RSS feed of whatever product you want.

I personally have the front page news section RSS' to my google start page.
But you can just as easily use the news section on a particular product page.

Just click the RSS icon over the news sections.

The Rog said:

Weel, it's possible to set up an RSS feed of whatever product you want.

I personally have the front page news section RSS' to my google start page.
But you can just as easily use the news section on a particular product page.

Just click the RSS icon over the news sections.

hmm ok.. great thanks man.....

wat is a google start page?.. nvr mind i can google it... cheers