NEW Character Sheet by Gitzman

By Gitzman, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Interesting request... however i think the logistics of that might be too difficult. The reason i say this is that there can be several specializations associated with a particular skill. This would mean that i would need space for 2 or 3 lines for each skill to add specializations which would grow the skill list by 2 or 3 times the height. That doesnt really work in the layout I have made.

Perhaps there is another way to highlight their use instead of incorporating them into the associated skills. When i get back in there i'll play with the layout.

And on a seperate note... I was unable to locate the rules that I made up (yes i've decided that i did in fact make them up, oops). I'll adjust the Rank, white dice) thing in the next update. I think i plan to change that into a Noble Rank or perhaps general Character rank.


Gitzman said:

Interesting request... however i think the logistics of that might be too difficult. The reason i say this is that there can be several specializations associated with a particular skill.

If I remember correctly*, it's even more complicated than that, 'cause specializations aren't even always used with the parent skill.

For example, let's say you have the specialization "knots and ropework" from the Coordination skill. You're skulking about the Marienburg docks investigating a series of brutal murders, and your GM wants you to make an Observation check to see if you can recognize the particular sort of knots binding the newest victim. I believe the rules as written allow you to bring in the white die even though you're not using Coordination at all.

* It's possible that I don't, so grain-of-salt until I get a chance to look it up.

I think you are right on the money here.

A specialization while resulting from a parent skill may be used off of many other skills.

Taking the knots and ropework idea, it could be applied in many different ways utilizing different skills:

  • Observation/Folklore : identifying ropework techniques of a person or culture
  • Skullduggery/Coordination : Tying/untying ropes and knots
  • Acrobatics : Swinging from ropework (perhaps knowing how to best grip or balance weight to leverage strengths of the rope and knots)

I know i'm pushing it a bit, but the concept holds.

Similarly just like how you can specialize in Long Swords, you can leverage it in Weaponskill, but also in the history and use of long swords, defense techniques, etc.


Hey gang!

So i finally got off my butt and made the requested updates:

  • Added all the new rules and adjustments to include components from Hero's Call and Lure of Power.
  • Added room for rank 1-5 Fame & Noble
  • Added a Career card slot on the side
  • Added 5 Talent card slots at the bottom
  • Added a Total Base Damage box near weapons.
  • Added Shame and Shame Threshold
  • Added Criticals and Critical Threshold
  • Added Unspent Experience and Total Experience
  • Added black dice to the stress and fortune pools to help remind the players which dice to use.
  • Made several color adjustments to increase readability.
  • Minor adjustments here and there to update text and readability.

The image and link on PAGE 1 represent the new content.


Bravo!! aplauso.gif

So many days was I tempted to ask you how was it going….


very nice one, will test it tomorrow at gaming night! thx gitz

Looks awesome! I'll be trying it out tomorrow as well with a new player, so I'll get a fresh batch of feedback for you.

You guys print those sheets in A4 or A3 paper?

i printed it twice on an A4 paper. once in the default it is downloadable and one streched to full size A4. both works fine. the smaller version is almost the same size as the standard character sheets. and it is still readable, although the basic actions are indeed a little small on this one.

the only thing is the folding, as it is not divided on the middle, so it doesn't look so fancy when folded, but you don't really need to fold it anyways.

again, great work! i'll give you a report on what my players thought about it tomorrow!

Are you taking suggestions for page 2? Because I would love to have a sheet where we can copy the advancement info from the career cards and get the career card off the table.

Yes i think i am open for suggestions and requests for page 2 now. I have new motivation to get the sheet fully up and running.

Perhaps we can generate a bulleted list of things that need to be included?

i think we don't really need space on that one to take notes. at least in our group, when people take notes, they fill several sheets over the course of their characters lifetime, so we keep those seperate

but being able to copy your career facts would be great, so we don't need that card anymore. maybe as a small region on the sheet to fill with facts, so it does not take too much space and we can add loads more!

Used the character sheet last night with a new player, and it worked really nicely! He wasn't confused by it in any way and the dice symbols really helped him to remember what did what. Well done I say!

same here, our new player also enjoyed it alot! only thing that it missing now it the career advancement workspace ;-)

A space to keep track of diseases, mutations, insanitys and critical wounds would be nice

I have finished the 2nd page, or more accuratly expanded on the first page to make an 8.5 x 11 in character sheet.

PAGE 1 IMAGE UPDATED to download.

The sheet can be cut or folded on the 5.5 in mark if you still want to have a small format character sheet.

The Front Side is for playing, everything you could need is here.

The Back Side is for character management and book keeping.

As requested i have added space to track your advancement in addition to space to hold everything that comes on a career card. This should make career advancements quite a bit easier.


Thanks, I like this one!

Now, some of my players might still want to use their career card for the artwork on it - would you still have a link to the version that assumed a career card on the table, the one you posted a few days ago?


Did you remove the previous, smaller version? Any chance you could still have that up) honestly preferred that in many ways.

My preferred version would be the old one, but with the Insanity/Critical/Mutation/Dieases box moved into the field currently occupied by the basic actions overview. Honestly, I don't consider the basic actions to be important enough to have on the career sheet. The smaller the career sheet is, the better. And the action cards take up a lot of space that can just be printed on a sepearate sheet if you don't use the cards.

This way, you have all relevant information, that isn't part of the advancement mechanics, on one sheet.

This is awesome, and just in time for me. Thanks, Gitzman.

Did you purposefully leave out space for Race, Character Rank and Previous Careers? I can see why you might make that decision, so I'm mostly just curious.

Contrary to Ralzar's point, I'd rather have the action card info available on the sheet and insanity, mutation, etc. on cards on the table.

Two questions/suggestions:

Can you put something on the Talent slots to indicate what kind belongs there? Perhaps a set of check boxes would fit. And personally, I don't feel the need for the career card to have a space. You always have access to your career cards, just like your wounds and mutations and diseases are always on. But the talents you have choose specific ones. Basically, cards that don't need to be differentiated don't need to be "locked" to the sheet in my mind.

And on a related note, with the talents going down the side like that, it makes it harder to fold the sheet and still use it at higher levels. Keeping the amount of space down at the table is a key concern, I think. Of course, replacing the career slot with a third talent will miitgate the need for that for a while.

But still, this is fantastic. I've been filling out character sheets to put up on my Obsidian Portal wiki, but I'd love to switch over to these.Thanks for all the work!

Good feedback. It is still obviously a work in progress and im looking forward to making tweaks and adjustments.

For those of you who just want page one (the original), you just cut the page in half and use the top portion just like before. For those who want more, you can use the whole thing.

The talent cards on the side are still a concern for me, i am not 100% satisfied with hwo they are layed out. I really do want to keep the action cards on the front of the sheet, because the purpose of the sheet im designing is to reduce the clutter and cards that everyone needs to have access to, while reducing table space used by each player.

As you can see we have quite a bit of extra space on the back side still, any requests for other information that is required? Im not really looking for unecessary content but really just looking to see if i am missing anything important.

I did not include race because i figure we all know who we are and what we are, but if you think its needed i can add it (also that would be a front page item and we have no space there).


Nope, I don't think you need race, I was just checking that it was a choice and not an ommission.

I really like having the series of boxes for characteristcs, but if you used a more traditional fill in method that would give you a bunch of room to regigger thing. I don't know if it's worth it, because I do like the row of boxes, but you do have the real estate to do it:


But, you know, nicer.

Lol thanks for the help.

I Just posted another significant update.


  • I have split it into two pages (2 8.5in x 5.5in).
  • I have made room for all the Career cards and Talent cards on the FRONT SIDE
  • Made a few areas a lot easier to read.
  • Added a few things here and there to facilitate requests from the boards.

I'm pretty happy with this layout so far.


Excellent, this is the best of both worlds!

It's looking really good and I'm considering using it. One thing though: Maybe remove the "Talent" text from the talent card slots? I'm thinking it's handier to leave the text box empty so you can write "Tactical" "Reputation" or "Focus" as appropriate.

Awesome! I like it. I really like that you were able to include previous careers. I'm almost hesitant to ask, is there a reason the basic mental skills only have two ranks of boxes?