NEW Character Sheet by Gitzman

By Gitzman, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

If printing on a coated paper, my suggestion is to use a felt pen like a fine point sharpie. Or a light pressure ballpoint pen.


Gitzman said:

Making it fillable was a goal of a previous version. Now that the sheet is finalized i may revisit that option. As of now though, it is not.

I'd just like to put in another request for a form fillable version, when you have time. It would help me out a ton. Thanks for all your hard work!

awesome sheet, awesome site.

Using your map material in every session!

First, I wanted to thank you Gizman for your great sheet.

Since there was no fillable version available, I went ahead and made one on top of your sheet. Now, I was wondering, if you wanted to take a look at it, and use it as you see fit. I'm rather new on these forums, and could not find a personal message option, so I hope you see this post :)

we playtested the sheet and here's my review so far:

the basic actions on the sheet are really neat, they save a ton of space. also having all the traits and everything on one sheet saves you having to look at the career card every time you want to spend an advance.

all in all it is really well made and is very good for new players because they have an easy time figuring out their dice pools.

undfortunaley the boxes i made for storing our characters are a little too small for the sheets, so they need to be folded twice to fit. this is, of course, not your fault at all, rather it was my bad ;)

only problem my group encountererd was, that, as everything on the sheet is colored, so if you print out the sheet with a laserprinter it is really hard to write on it with a pencil and it is hard to erase. so everytime you get gold or advance and erease something and write over it, the color fades and the sheets gets damaged. but again, maybe just my paper quality.

i recommend this sheet for anyone to start out with the game and anybody else also has to try it out, it really makes the game run alot more fluently!!

thx gitzman, as always very decent work!

Thanks Gitzman a great character sheet! (And a great homepage :D )

Our group is new to the 3rd ed - but we all think your sheet looks great! Thanks


Really good points here. I have noted similar issues when printing it via a laser machine, the coating that seals the ink is not very condusive to pencies or some ball point pens. I have opted for using a fine point felt pen like a sharpie. It works quite well, though no erasing of course =)

I suppose now that it is final a black & white version is in order? And a fillable version. Inspiration will set in again some time soon i hope and i'll tackle it =)

Thanks again for the kinds words and support. All the feedback has been invaluable.


Perhaps not full B&W? Certainly anything that requires a value/writing by the player should be B&W, and for printer ink savings, the majority could be B&W, but one of the great value-adds of your sheet is to highlight to new users the specific dice to be used/impacted. And if those elements remain in color, it will still be very useful, but the players & GMs can always print in grey scale.

In reference to the Fame Rank section and the question of its ruling, I have found the following information:

From The Player's Guide:

Chapter Four - Experience & Advancement (p.42)

"Experience points are a general indicator of a character's power, ability, renown, and influence."

Character Rank (p.43)

"Gaining experience represents a character's growing worldliness, burgeoning skills, and expanding renown. When a character has earned a certain amount of experience, he gains rank. Rank is an abstract representation of relative power or ability."

"The overall rank of the characters in a campaign also provides the GM with a general idea of the party's aptitude and capabilities…"

From The Game Master's Guide:

Chapter Three - Game Master Resources - Renown (p.25)

"As the intrepid heroes brave the threats facing the Empire, they may gain renown. Acquiring renown, popularity, and particular reputations are great ways to flesh out characters…"

"The gain or loss of renown is a great resource a GM can use to show that a character's actions have impact…"

The word renown seems to pop up a lot but I can't find a specific explanation.

But whatever it means, it appears you didn't make it up; Fame Rank could broadly represent the character's experience/rank prestige, renown, popularity and reputation.


nickbrown said:

In reference to the Fame Rank section and the question of its ruling, I have found the following information:

From The Player's Guide:

Chapter Four - Experience & Advancement (p.42)

"Experience points are a general indicator of a character's power, ability, renown, and influence."

Character Rank (p.43)

"Gaining experience represents a character's growing worldliness, burgeoning skills, and expanding renown. When a character has earned a certain amount of experience, he gains rank. Rank is an abstract representation of relative power or ability."

"The overall rank of the characters in a campaign also provides the GM with a general idea of the party's aptitude and capabilities…"

From The Game Master's Guide:

Chapter Three - Game Master Resources - Renown (p.25)

"As the intrepid heroes brave the threats facing the Empire, they may gain renown. Acquiring renown, popularity, and particular reputations are great ways to flesh out characters…"

"The gain or loss of renown is a great resource a GM can use to show that a character's actions have impact…"

The word renown seems to pop up a lot but I can't find a specific explanation.

But whatever it means, it appears you didn't make it up; Fame Rank could broadly represent the character's experience/rank prestige, renown, popularity and reputation.


I always assumed that "reknown/fame/reputation" was more a malleable concept than a single number for each character. I've actually considered adding a "Reputation" track to my custom party/campaign sheet that I've been working on. This way, depending upon how the group is viewed in the particular area they're frequenting, their reputation could fluctuate. If they're in a town where rumors of their good deeds have made the rounds, then their reputation meter would be on the higher end..perhaps granting them a fortune die to social checks while in town. If the PCs are speaking with a particular minor noble in his audience chamber…then their reputation may have less clout, causing the meter to drop a few notches..etc

Hi all,

In tribute to Gitzman and the WFRP Community, I present to you a fillable version of Gitzman's amazing Character Sheet.

Click here to view an image in action.

Included Features:

  • All fields fillable.
  • Various thresholds (eg. Wounds, Encumbrance) are auto-filled based on race and stats.
  • Fatigued/Distressed and Strain warnings.
  • Drop down lists for multiple components (eg. Mutations, Careers, etc) for all expansions before Hero's Call.
  • Check boxes for Basic Actions qualification.


Unfortunately, I couldn't get auto-fill for weapons and armour, nor could I get the career section to auto-fill when selecting a career. Gitzman is currently reviewing the document prior to considering making it available from his website. Until then, feel free to PM me and I'll see if I can send it through to you.

I'm also currently attempting to build an arcane/divine supplementary sheet. Any comments or suggestions would be welcome.

Gitzmans WFRP3 Fillable Character Sheet - Supplementary - Arcane-Divine v0.51

nickbrown said:

Hi all,

In tribute to Gitzman and the WFRP Community, I present to you a fillable version of Gitzman's amazing Character Sheet.

Click here to view an image in action.

Included Features:

  • All fields fillable.
  • Various thresholds (eg. Wounds, Encumbrance) are auto-filled based on race and stats.
  • Fatigued/Distressed and Strain warnings.
  • Drop down lists for multiple components (eg. Mutations, Careers, etc) for all expansions before Hero's Call.
  • Check boxes for Basic Actions qualification.


Unfortunately, I couldn't get auto-fill for weapons and armour, nor could I get the career section to auto-fill when selecting a career. Gitzman is currently reviewing the document prior to considering making it available from his website. Until then, feel free to PM me and I'll see if I can send it through to you.

I'm also currently attempting to build an arcane/divine supplementary sheet. Any comments or suggestions would be welcome.

Gitzmans WFRP3 Fillable Character Sheet - Supplementary - Arcane-Divine v0.51

Love what you've done with Gitzman's sheet! Any chance you or Gitzman could whip up a black and white version, for those of us with weak printers?

Your Arcane sheet is amazing! I'd been using a similar cheat sheet for the spell-caster in our group's party for a while now, but this is so much classier.

I have one design suggestion though…how about moving the Power Vent Threshold to the right of the Current Power box, to mirror the Equilibrium box on the other side? Might give a nice visual queue for how the fluctuation of Power works.

GoblynKing said:

Love what you've done with Gitzman's sheet! Any chance you or Gitzman could whip up a black and white version, for those of us with weak printers?

Thanks! Like this ?

GoblynKing said:

Your Arcane sheet is amazing! I'd been using a similar cheat sheet for the spell-caster in our group's party for a while now, but this is so much classier.

I have one design suggestion though…how about moving the Power Vent Threshold to the right of the Current Power box, to mirror the Equilibrium box on the other side? Might give a nice visual queue for how the fluctuation of Power works.

Thanks again! Like this ?

Or do you think I should have about 20 boxes for each power so that we don't erase the paper through to the table? You could just slide a Power Token back and forth across the scale. Not easy to make fillable on the computer though, so perhaps I could make two versions (1 printable, 1 fillable on the computer).

Multiple boxes example .

nickbrown said:

GoblynKing said:

Love what you've done with Gitzman's sheet! Any chance you or Gitzman could whip up a black and white version, for those of us with weak printers?

Thanks! Like this ?

GoblynKing said:

Your Arcane sheet is amazing! I'd been using a similar cheat sheet for the spell-caster in our group's party for a while now, but this is so much classier.

I have one design suggestion though…how about moving the Power Vent Threshold to the right of the Current Power box, to mirror the Equilibrium box on the other side? Might give a nice visual queue for how the fluctuation of Power works.

Thanks again! Like this ?

Or do you think I should have about 20 boxes for each power so that we don't erase the paper through to the table? You could just slide a Power Token back and forth across the scale. Not easy to make fillable on the computer though, so perhaps I could make two versions (1 printable, 1 fillable on the computer).

Multiple boxes example .

Hmmm, that' a tough choice, but I'd go with the fillable first example (with the Power Threshold to the right) as a slidable tracker tends to get bumped around, while a number or stacked tokens, are slightly easier to keep track of.

Fantastic work again sir! Bravo! And thanks for the black and white version!

I decided against having the arcane stuff as a separate sheet and chose to annex the space for notes, career skills & traits. I have moved the Special Abilities section to Sheet 2, replacing that space with Racial Abilities and added another slot for your Career Ability (I hate forgetting my career ability just because its on the other side of the Career Card).

See the changes here .

Please let me know what you think and of any chances you would recommend. Next week I plan to make a fillable pdf version as I have a session next weekend.

PS. Gitzman, I hope you don't mind me making the alterations and additions.

[edit: spelling]

Wow, I just got to see today the final version of the fillable character sheet on Gitzman website. Nicely done!

Thanks a lot!



Personally, I would prefer an additional sheet, the size of a career card for either the arcane or divine sheet. After all, the wizard player can learn to manage more sheets, and as a GM I like the sheet with the career. Very handy to keep track of all advances and get rid of the career card.

