NEW Character Sheet by Gitzman

By Gitzman, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I *think* it's just how the image shows up here. IIRC, the real sheet isn't missing those.

You'll notice there are some artifacts and whitespace showing up on the preview image as well.

No, that's how it looks when I opened the file in both Adobe and Photoshop.

Same here. The basic mental skills are missing a row.

Oooops! Lol,

  • Yea that 3rd column of boxes for Mental Skills was accidently deleted. Ill fix that.
  • I like the idea of removing the "Talent" text allowing the user to enter "Reputation, Tactic, Focus, etc."

I'll make these updates tonight.


I am also going to tweak the layout to allow it to be folded in half along an appropriate seam. At the moment when folded it goes right accross the skills boxes and is awkward.


I messed around with it in photoshop a bit and came up with these changes:

*The circles for the stances are increased in size, so they can be used instead of a cardboard stance meter.

*The blue box in the upper left corner was made smaller to make more room on the side and Fame/Noble ranks was removed, as I don't really use those.

*The "Talent" text was removed.

*The talen slots were moved to the left hand side so that when Talent Cards are slotted, they are placed horizontally, making them easier to read for the player. In addition, it makes the table space outwards from the player smaller.

*Talent slots made smaller. If this picture is printed in A4 size, the slots will match up to the size of the Talent cards.

*Basic Actions removed and Injuries etc inserted instead. This is just my own preferance, as I allready have the basic actions printed on their own sheet.


Oh yeah, and I removed the career card slot. At some point, most characters will have more than one career card anyway, so will need to keep at least one career card outside the career sheet. I don't really see a point to having a career card slot. It says right on the sheet what career you are anyway.

What about a check box on Parry, Block and Dodge to mark if the character has access to them?

Okay this could be the final update (for a while).


  • I fixed the previously mentioned issues.
  • I adjusted the layout so if you want to fold the document along its spine it folds in an appropriate place.
  • Fixed the 3rd column mental skills issue.
  • Added a space for Race
  • Removed the title "Talent" from the talent boxes so players can enter "tactic, reputation or focus".



goblins can't spell. gitz under your general career advances you have the word specialy

Ooops =)

I'll fix that shortly.


I just printed out your sheets and will start using them next week :)

Im really glad you pointed out that typo. I was going to go to the printer today and get a stack professionally printed. Now i have a chance to fix it beforehand.



Does that mean it's been updated and pushed?

Also - I need to update my rules sheets again. I think I'll finally get around to minimizing them, cleaning them up, and add some punch (images, etc.)

Hey, Gitzman, may I ask what font you used?

Yes it has been updated and ready to download.

I'll check what font i used when i get home tonight and get back to you.


Had a session with two new players today - they (and I) really appreciated the new sheets! They really help a newcomer see how to build the dice pools! I love it! Thanks!

My pleasure Hedge =)

I decided to go get them printed last week along with the big map. Im excited to see how they turn out. I am having them professionally printed and cut so i can have a nice little stack to work with.


hi gitz can you please walk me through how you intend the career completion advances section of your sheet to be used.

New Zombie said:

hi gitz can you please walk me through how you intend the career completion advances section of your sheet to be used.

Isn't it identical to the ones in the normal character sheets that come with the Core Box?

If you pay one XP for the Dedication Bonus, you cross that off on the sheet.

Then when you transition into a new career you calculate how many XP that cost (Between 0 and 4 XP) and cross off that many of the four boxes for Career Transition.

Yes, Ralzar is right on the money here.

The only difference is i added a section so you can also transfer all your Career Card information onto your sheet as well for easy reference. My hope is that having this info all in one place will make career transitions a bit simpler because you are able to visually recognize what Career Traits you have in common with the future career.


Thanks for the character sheets - has been a huge help for me as a new GM and my mates (new to the game as well).

The sheet looks great.

Is it supposed to be fillable? Using a Mac I don't see any form-fillable fields. It would be a nice feature. I saw posts in this thread stating it was made fillable but perhaps that was a previous version?


Making it fillable was a goal of a previous version. Now that the sheet is finalized i may revisit that option. As of now though, it is not.


P.S. Thank you for the comments and suggestions, they are very welcome.

Gitzman, love the character sheet! But could you make it layers so that the color could be removed? Would like to use them, but my fancy printer (and nice paper) makes them too "coated" to write on. What program did you build it in? If I could have the raw file I could probably make the changes… ;-)

