NEW Character Sheet by Gitzman

By Gitzman, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Hey dudes,

So there has been a lot of talk about redesigning character sheets the past few weeks and i thought i'd jump in on the action. The following link is a minimalist design with two major focuses:

  1. Bring all the information you need to PLAY onto the front page.
  2. Help players efficiently generate their dice pools, and reinforce what dice to use and when.


More to come soon.


Wow! sorpresa.gif

That is one hell of a fancy-looking sheet! It looks very...*very* good. Thanks, Gitzman!

At 15mb, I wonder how well my printer will be able to handle it...

I can say as a new player (first game is next week!) that this would be fantastic for me. I would love to be told exactly what I need to use right from the sheet. Makes me wish there was a way for me to do that on my sheet, but my philosophy was to be as ink saving as possible.

However, there is a great deal of white space due to it being horizontal. Why did you choose not to go for a vertical design? Also, I assume there will be more pages coming, since there is still more than a fair amount of stuff miss

If you deselect "Auto-rotate and Center" in your print options, it appears that the sheet may be able to fit two to a page in portrait orientation. I haven't tested this yet but, in the file's current state, I'm betting that is the best way to print it both to save paper and to remove the massive white borders when printed centered in landscape.

Gitz, you insult us with your incomplete project. Where's page 2?? Hmmmmm? Just kidding, nice work..and DANGIT, I want page 2 for my other stuff!


LOL, thanks for the kind words. Page 2 is on the way, i just wanted to test the waters with page 1 first.

To answer your question on sizing...

The sheet is one half of a 8.5 x 11 piece of paper, similar to the normal character sheet sizes. It can be folded in half and stuffed in a character box if you like.

The back side, which is coming soon, will be all the "book keeping" parts of your character, and can either be printed as the 2nd half of the page, or the back side of the Page 1.

Hope that helps clear things up =).


I love this character sheet! I wish i'd had it earlier today. I was trying to teach a buddy how to play and this sheet would have helped us both remember what we needed in our dice pools.

Do you plan on making a form-fillable version? Could you possibly make a larger landscape version that would fill a 8.5" x 11" page for the visually impaired?

Thanks and keep up the good work!

I think you can turn on stretch to fit page when printing landscape and it will fill the page. Only thing that will downsample is the graphics, but they are at 150dpi anyway, so it should still be pretty crisp.

At this time though i have no plans to do a 11 x 8.5. I want to concentrate on getting the page 2 up and running.

I am however a fan of fillable forms and may transfer over the logic i put into the other fillable character sheets i did at Gitzman's Gallery onto this one. We shall see =).


Really nice, visual learner heaven. Great choice of colour pallete too.

good job man

Hey Gitzman...

Great sheet! I would like to request as another poster did for a landscape 81/2 x 11 version of the sheet. My players and I like to use a regular sheet as opposed to the small character sheet.

thanks in advance!

As requested i upped the size to fit better on an 8.5 x 11.

It is not an idea fit since its designed to fit the upper half of a portrait layout, however it does work pretty well. Hope that helps =)


I would first like to echo all the praise that has been offered above. But I have one comment:

Shouldn't the secopnd physical characteristic be AGILITY instead of Dexterity? (It is abbreviated as 'AG' in the skill section.)


klempad said:

I would first like to echo all the praise that has been offered above. But I have one comment:

Shouldn't the secopnd physical characteristic be AGILITY instead of Dexterity? (It is abbreviated as 'AG' in the skill section.)


Yep. Too much saturation of D&D nomenclature that I didn't even realize until you mentioned it.

Also, minor nitpick but you may want to rearrange the order of the Characteristics to match the traditional character sheet sequence from top to bottom (Strength, Toughness, Agility, Intelligence, Willpower, Fellowship) to avoid possible confusion assigning racial stats at character creation (since the creation table lists the stat values in that order).

klempad said:

I would first like to echo all the praise that has been offered above. But I have one comment:

Shouldn't the secopnd physical characteristic be AGILITY instead of Dexterity? (It is abbreviated as 'AG' in the skill section.)


How right you are lol, i'll fix that right up =)


Hey Gitzman,

Will you be making a fillable PDF version of this anytime?

Gitzman, you have outdone yourself this time! This is exactly what I was trying to accomplish with my own homebrew character sheet from a while back, but much much better. Are you thinking of making a second page, a third? I always thought that having a separate worksheet for career advancement, something that could be printed in mass quantities on black and white paper, would be more prudent than the itty bitty section on the core set sheets. Also a player cheat sheet/card for the most used rules, things like healing/first aid, effects of being strained , how to make fear and terror checks, etc. would be a great companion to this sheet, IMO.

Keep up the amazing work!

@Gizman: You are great! May I put this also on my WH-Website? Of course with a link to your gallery site.

I like it!!!!

Yea, this one is a winner!!

Anxiously awaiting additional pages and form fillable.

Great Job! aplauso.gif


Lautrer said:

@Gizman: You are great! May I put this also on my WH-Website? Of course with a link to your gallery site.

I like it!!!!

Sure thing, just please ad a link back to


Great Job!!! I'm thinking you could use the same red/orange colour, as in the wound and corruption box in the physical characteristic box; since you use different tokens to track these and it makes you more aware of if you are being stressed or fetiqued.

Maybe a box for the combined normal damage dealt with each weapon?

Im seriously considering using this:)

OMG!!! This is AWESOME!! Great job Gitzman!

But.... What happends when the new expansion for rank 4-5 characters comes out??

I mean, it appears that this new character sheet is for chracters until rank 3....

This also makes me think about this new expansion. dont you think they will also incluse some new character sheet in the box???

Excellent point, i'll add space for ranks 4 & 5.


Yamusha said:

OMG!!! This is AWESOME!! Great job Gitzman!

But.... What happends when the new expansion for rank 4-5 characters comes out??

I mean, it appears that this new character sheet is for chracters until rank 3....

This also makes me think about this new expansion. dont you think they will also incluse some new character sheet in the box???

My guess is that instead of obviating the old character sheet, there will be Rank 4/5 action cards & traits that enable fortune and expertise dice. I suspect that the stats will remain effectively capped at 6, with skill ranks capped at 3 ranks of expertise. One will set apart the epic level PCs/NPCs will be their actions, traits and other related things.