Is Anyone Currently Running a Bolton Deck ?

By Mykel The Vile, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

I'm currently attempting to collect all the Bolton cards form TBWB cycle and was just wondering if there was anyone out there who uses a Bolton deck in melee or joust. If so I wouldnt mind knowing how your fairing with this deck. It looks a lot of fun.

So far Ive managed to collect the cards from Dreadfort Betrayal, its a start though.

Im also looking to swap some of my cards for Bolton cards. I have set up a thread in the Trade Section if anyone is interested.



Im not not running a Bolton deck but i do use some bolton cards like the Bastards Elite and the Flayed Men in my Stark armies deck and i usually run Bloody Scorge

problem with Bolton for me is honestly im not good enough to keep track of all the parts. But good luck to you

I have a similar experience to jack merridew, and find that controlling an out-and-out House Bolton deck is a little like running Maesters where there are four guys all with chains and +1 strengths left, right and centre with Seven-knows how many different effects going off. They both make my brain hurt, as every time something happens, you then need to remember that X, Y or Z is happening outside of the normal flow of things.

Play-wise, they're a lovely low cost for their high strength, but unless you plan your challenges correctly, your cards are going to be flying all over the table, particularly in Melee. Better (easier!) in Joust, with only one person to worry about.

The Dreadfort is great for draw, along with Abandoned Fort and Roose Bolton to put something of a lock-down on your treacherous Boltons, while Ramsey can bounce in quite happily, and Reek has a fun Jaqen-esque effect (though it can quite fittingly come and bite you on the backside later). Throw in a Widow's Watch, Winterfell Castle and Godswood and you're well on your way. They're good fun and, with a sprinkling of 'proper' Stark characters, work well.

For further expansion cycle collecting, Spirit Games in Burton have one of every BWB Chapter Pack in last time I looked (on Wednesday) and Maelstrom Games in Mansfield have the same (which I saw last Saturday).

Hopefully if I play with this Deck enough I will learn to remember some of the little mechanics, does seem a bit of a headache to play them.

That said, I cant help but think that although it seems like a juggling act to make ths deck work the rewards for pushing through a win in melee make it all worth the while. Even if its 1 in 10. (sucker for punishment)

Isnt it funny how they play like they read out in the GRRM books, more so than most of the other Houses and I think its a great addition to the House Stark cards, gives the House a bit of an edge, no more Mr nice guys and all that !

I'm going to give em a bash anyway.



Starblayde said:

I have a similar experience to jack merridew, and find that controlling an out-and-out House Bolton deck is a little like running Maesters where there are four guys all with chains and +1 strengths left, right and centre with Seven-knows how many different effects going off. They both make my brain hurt, as every time something happens, you then need to remember that X, Y or Z is happening outside of the normal flow of things.

Play-wise, they're a lovely low cost for their high strength, but unless you plan your challenges correctly, your cards are going to be flying all over the table, particularly in Melee. Better (easier!) in Joust, with only one person to worry about.

The Dreadfort is great for draw, along with Abandoned Fort and Roose Bolton to put something of a lock-down on your treacherous Boltons, while Ramsey can bounce in quite happily, and Reek has a fun Jaqen-esque effect (though it can quite fittingly come and bite you on the backside later). Throw in a Widow's Watch, Winterfell Castle and Godswood and you're well on your way. They're good fun and, with a sprinkling of 'proper' Stark characters, work well.

For further expansion cycle collecting, Spirit Games in Burton have one of every BWB Chapter Pack in last time I looked (on Wednesday) and Maelstrom Games in Mansfield have the same (which I saw last Saturday).

Starblayde said:


For further expansion cycle collecting, Spirit Games in Burton have one of every BWB Chapter Pack in last time I looked (on Wednesday) and Maelstrom Games in Mansfield have the same (which I saw last Saturday).

Im waiting on the group to pick there packs as well from the cycle, may pop up with the chaps to Burton one of the Wednesday and have a game.

Starblayde said:

Play-wise, they're a lovely low cost for their high strength, but unless you plan your challenges correctly, your cards are going to be flying all over the table, particularly in Melee. Better (easier!) in Joust, with only one person to worry about.

Yea, this; especially with the one that goes over to your opponent when you lose an I challenge.

A buddy of mine ran a Bolton deck in joust at Gen Con, but mostly just b/c he likes playing builds that other people don't play and not b/c it was a really strong deck. He ran KotHH and an Initiative-heavy deck so he could go first. The biggest problem I see with them is that once you lose control of the Bolton characters (none of them have Stealth), your opponent can just keep them for defense so you never have the opportunity to use Abandoned Fort.

I played a Bolton Deck for a while. It is a lot of fun. I found the key to the deck to be Reek with Dubious Loyalties attached to him. Now I may be wrong about how it works, but it seems that after you win a battle with Reek you can give Reek over to your opponent, take one of his, and then have Dubious Loyalties react and take reek back. I may be wrong about that, however that is how my group was playing with Reek/Dubious Loyalties. Secondly, it's easy to bust out a big combo with In Ramsay's Name and Roose Bolton that gets you a good amount of power. My only issue with this deck is that it is sort of a one trick pony. If you mess up the timing of when you drop In Ramsay's Name, you'll either hand your victory over to your opponent, or you'll get no power out of it.

That is the proper way to use the Reek + DL since you can activate Responses in any order you choose. The problem with Reek is that he becomes a huge target the minute he gets played, chances are good he'll get burned, knelt, VB, etc... and I challenges aren't exacty Stark's forte...

Skowza said:

That is the proper way to use the Reek + DL since you can activate Responses in any order you choose. The problem with Reek is that he becomes a huge target the minute he gets played, chances are good he'll get burned, knelt, VB, etc... and I challenges aren't exacty Stark's forte...

Better Reek is the target than any of the people who will be beating up on my opponent. Plus, the Bolton's have a fair amount of intrigue challenges in them. Roose, The Bastard, the Refugee and the Loyalist.