Any fan-made play-aids for a new GM

By Hedonismbot, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Hi, I'm looking to run my group's first game of WFRP. I just have the core set, but in reading the rules there are a lot of little rules to remember that aren't on the action cards (like a Comet can be turned into a critical hit with any attack).

Are there any reference sheets or anything that people have put together to have this information at your fingertips during play? Sorry, my search-fu is weak...

Welcome to the community and the great world of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay!

Be sure to visit my blog and especially the Beginner's Guide to WFRP (includes good video tutorials and other helpful stuff).

For other free stuff there is always Liber Fanatica . Two latest issues revolve around WFRP3.

Before, after and in the middle you can also listen the Warhammer Podcast of Reckless Dice !

I know Gitzman's has been mentioned, but don't forget about the huge detailed map he made! So useful, I think I cried when I first saw it!


Anybody still have a link to those files from Universal head? Those were quite handy :)

Nisses said:

Anybody still have a link to those files from Universal head? Those were quite handy :)

From my understanding, he was asked to take them down by FF.

Do any of you guys check your "friends list" here? I've got links, but I can't contact those of you who don't "befriend" :)

You might also enjoy the end of my house rulebook. I'm using the expanded chaos star/comet rules from the pg:


Thanks for the links! I'll take some time sorting through them, but they look fantastically useful.

I ran a very successful WFRP 2e campaign a while ago, and so this will be my first foray into the 3e rules. I was intrigued by the dice mechanic, and hope that after the initial learning curve it makes the game more straightforward during the session.

Emirikol said:

Do any of you guys check your "friends list" here? I've got links, but I can't contact those of you who don't "befriend" :)

You might also enjoy the end of my house rulebook. I'm using the expanded chaos star/comet rules from the pg:


Awesome link - certainly going to use it. Thanks for making it open to the community - greatly appreciated.


I've got some work in progress articles & creature generator on my fanpage:

I'll be working on an even generator the coming winter with Skolo but I'll be happy to collaborate with anyone who's willing.

Nice website :)
