Question about monster as a reward

By TheGrue, in Elder Sign

If I resolve an adventure and one of the rewards (some reward, huh?) is a monster, do I place that before drawing the next adventure card or after? This came up because I resolved an adventure and the next card to replace it had the white monster space on it (the only one of all 6 adventures down) such that the monster would go there, but if it is placed before that adventure card is placed down, it would have gone to the bottom of an adventure of my choosing.

You receive all the rewards listed before you clear the dice and the adventure card.

Thanks. Yeah, I realized after posting they list a very specific order for when you successfully complete, so it was pretty obvious you put that monster down on another adventure.

It actually doesn't work at all (well, decently) if you play by the rules as written.

If you have an empty monster space on the adventure card you just resolved and it has a monster "reward", then according to the rules you can (and indeed must if it is the only option) place the monster at the adventure being resolved, since it will only leave play as the last step of resolution. Of course, this cannot be the intended way to play and no one plays it that way, but it does should the rules have some holes in them...

tiborvadovan said:

It actually doesn't work at all (well, decently) if you play by the rules as written.

If you have an empty monster space on the adventure card you just resolved and it has a monster "reward", then according to the rules you can (and indeed must if it is the only option) place the monster at the adventure being resolved, since it will only leave play as the last step of resolution. Of course, this cannot be the intended way to play and no one plays it that way, but it does should the rules have some holes in them...

But it could be a nice way to add some difficulty to the game...I like that idea and like you say, byt the rules, you take the rewards before clearing the card.

Having had my first spin of the game today. I would also like to know, why is a monster considered a reward? That seems kinda strange to me.

peterstepon said:

Having had my first spin of the game today. I would also like to know, why is a monster considered a reward? That seems kinda strange to me.

As a consequence of resolving some specific adventures, a new monster appears. This is offset by some other beneficial effects.

Some rewards even give you a doom token.

peterstepon said:

Having had my first spin of the game today. I would also like to know, why is a monster considered a reward? That seems kinda strange to me.

Rewards aren't always positive, which does make the language a bit awkward (maybe just something like "Clear Results" would have been better?), but monsters can actually be good. Killing off a monster gets you a trophy, and trophies are what you need to buy things, so having monsters out there can ultimately let you get more items and such, faster.

Especially if you draw a weaker monster or have a special item (like Bind Monster) that lets you beat the monster fast, monsters can be a pretty good thing to have out there.

oh... I've been playing it that you get a random monster in additon to thetrophy card. and the doom symbol allows you to remove a doom token...

My bad i guess, so to be clear monster and doom symbols as rewards are still...bad. right? as in doom token ADDED and monster APPEARING.

Lycane said:

My bad i guess, so to be clear monster and doom symbols as rewards are still...bad. right? as in doom token ADDED and monster APPEARING.

Correct, monster and Doom tokens as rewards are bad.

From the rules, page 8.

Rewards and Penalties

Note that sometimes a reward may not be to a player’s benefit or a penalty may sometimes help him.

Monster: For each of these icons, a monster appears .
Doom: For each of these icons, add a Doom token to the Doom track