Strategies vs Zorka, 3-way matches?

By diversionArchitect, in Tannhauser

My friends tend to favor multiplayer games to 2 player when possible, and we had a problem doing this with Tannhauser-

Zorka comes in as a huge threat on the board, and the Union and Reich have been banding together to weaken Zorka before turning on each other.

Has anyone played 3 player matches where this isn't the case, and what are you guys doing that makes this work?

We do not have Hoss, Asteros, Gorgei or the Shogunate- if that could be a reason-

We're looking forward to making the shogunate and having 4-player matches, but we don't want it to become the same (All vs Zorka's team, then turn on each other).

Any input would be great. We have been allowing pack items as bonus tokens (house rule) as I mentioned in a previous post, but with or without this Zorka just feels like a huge threat that has to be teamed up against- and I really want to make that not feel like the case.

Even after adding a house rule that stats can't be buffed past 7 (other than movement), Union and Reich players still felt they had to team against Zorka.

Any suggestions of strategy, etc would be much appreciated- Thanks in advance guys!

if i had that problem, i'd personally play games where killing characters was not the primary objective, as the simplest solution.

besides that...only thing that comes to mind is buy asteros, the first to lose their team gains control of asteros who then exacts revenge as he sees fit (but still cant win) :P

Artemus Maximus said it all. I play a game called Necromunda, 3-way matches are hard but not impossible. Try this:

A map with at least 3 entry points, each entry point is tagged for 2 teams.

1. Reich + Union

2. Reich + Matriarchy

3. Union + Matriarchy

each player's team is split up into 2 groups, one for each entry point.

Group 1: 2 Heroes/ Group 2: 1 Hero and 2 Troopers

(one group per entry point)

This will be a VERY bloody match, make it harder to manuevre from one point to another with barricade tokens.

Place a token to collect (much like flags) near each entry point and perhaps one in the center of the map. Have this game last a certain # of turns (perhaps 6) and it ends after the last turn. Whichever team carries the most tokens at the end wins!

This setup will effectively hinder the matriarchy by separating Zorka from her supporting characters, and separate her supporting characters from their protector. This setup will also force your friends into competition in at least one entry point. This setup, also, while having a "plot", will probably be more kill-happy than a deathmatch.

GrandClam: This game type sounds awesome, if you've done this (or have a link) I'd like more details on the token you're claiming.

From what it sounds- units can grab the tokens as an action, but if killed drop them at their corpse- there are 4 tokens, and at end of round 6 whoever has the most wins. -which sounds awesome, but if i missed something please elaborate.

Both of you: Thank you so much for your response!

No, I haven't done it. Just took a Necromunda scenerio and modified it for your need to put your friends into competition.

I would say use 5 tokens and perhaps a map with 4 entry points, even though the 4th wont be used- it will still have a token nearby. The more tokens the better- to a point. I think 5 would be the magic #, seeing as the other 2 will require some running. Also, 5 tokens does not encourage 2 winners. With 4 tokens, your friends might still work out a deal to kill you and have 2 tokens each at the end. With 5, it's much more likely for one to betray the other. Also, You might try 6, to accomodate the tokens for your own team.

And yes, you are right about how the tokens work.

I don't think there are many tokens in the sets for this, maybe make it an artifact race? Use the Book and parchment from Daedalus, A gold token from Wolf, the syringe and a color-coded tesla thing from Novgorad, and a document from Yula or Oksana if needed. Or perhaps you could use crate tokens (If you aren't using them on action circles) or Asteros' equipment tokens. Or just use anything else: popcorn, pennies, etc.

I don't have a link or anything either, but I would reccomend the Catacombs map. Daedalus would work as well, but at least everyone sharing spawn points could attempt to run in different directions in the catacombs.

On the items: I'm assuming the items don't take up inventory space, and you can only have one per character?

Thanks so much for this- I'm excited to try our next 3-way match =)

You could just use another character instead of Zor'ka, maybe Oksana. She has quite interesting abilities and makes good use of the Voivodes, but is clearly less powerful than Zor'ka. So no one would gang up on anyone because of her.

Okay, I know it's not a brilliant strategic advice, but it could be a solution.

After playing zorka another time and seeing her sink, I'm starting to think she's definitely not as powerful as she once seemed- If you guys take a look I'm going to be trying a variant power for the Tesla Coils- hopefully this will make Zorka less invincible (not less damage dealing, which i don't think is the concern) To re-state them:

Tesla Coil: Remove one attack success from any attack targeting this character, but if this character dies the Tesla Coil is destroyed and Zorka suffers 1 automatic wound from the feedback.

Tesla Super-Coil: Remove two attack successes from any attack targeting this character, but if this character dies the Tesla Super-Coil is destroyed and Zorka suffers 2 automatic wounds from the feedback.

(These are for the coils on Irina and Iriska- not Zorka since that would be silly)

Those are some nifty rules, I kind of like them- but I think you will find that they will make Zorka's team MUCH stronger. Tesla coils are basically like knives for most characters, they're just junk thrown in packs to fill up all the tokens yet not overpower one pack over another. Zorka's team is all about the nasty Zorka being supported by her little buddies. Her little buddies are what make her REALLY nasty, making her stronger or summoning reinforcements or healing her and infinitely healing voivodes, throwing down mines, accompanying Zorka's attacks, etc.

By making tesla coils so much better for her supporters and keeping them alive, teams such as the Reich are going to have an even more difficult time taking her down. Sure they damage Zorka when they die, but no more than the guns of the Union would.

I don't know if you've ever played the 1.0 rules. If that game was unbalanced, it was the matriarchy. Tesla coils ignored 1 wound per attack and super T's ignored 2. Saving grace was the Union's insta-kills.

Tried it out earlier today-

We added the point that if the Tesla Coil breaks, or if your character drops it- it wounds Zorka. So far the match was fun, both of my coils got broken, but because I was able to keep voivode up with the ability to repair, I ended up winning as the Matriachy- but it was a close game with Yula scary the crap out of my girls.

Cancelling Success is just too powerfull. Try limiting the effect (like the coils only work against high velocity weapons so only against Pistols/Automatic weapons not against HtH or grenades and/or adding chances (+1 and +2 respectively on each dice of the Shock Roll) rather than inflicting a penalty.

Plageman said:

Cancelling Success is just too powerfull. Try limiting the effect (like the coils only work against high velocity weapons so only against Pistols/Automatic weapons not against HtH or grenades and/or adding chances (+1 and +2 respectively on each dice of the Shock Roll) rather than inflicting a penalty.

I'll keep testing it, with the 1 or 2 canceled successes it's been fun games, but I think we'll probably end up settling on something else- maybe even making them act like extra smiljan coils that trigger on each magnifier attack- who knows. After reading the original rules for the matriarchy i think we're gonna be trying out a lot of new ideas (the meteops clinging to people and popping on energy attacks sounds too fun!)