Is it worth it?

By Tunnelhckrat, in Gears of War: The Board Game

I have a limited budget and was wondering about this game. Is it worth theprice tag? are future expansions possible? whats the gameplay really like? anything that can help me with a decision?

I think it's worth it. It's only the second FFG game I've gotten, but I think it's great. It's got great components and great gameplay. I haven't played many games of this type, but it seems to me that the replayability is high. It's a surprisingly difficult game, too. You could check out the review for more details.

Personally speaking I really like Gears of war. I own several FFG games including Doom + Expansions and feel the flavour in GOW is different. I finally i get to play the game with friends instead of running it.

There have been critics saying just a kill, kill and kill again game but it does what exaclty what it says on the tin so I have no problems with that. Other critics say they don't like the random nature of rolling dice for defence and that it may create less strategy. My answer would be not really a problem. Descent itself sounds like they are heading for defending dice system to get round the mathed out defence rating some characters can get in that game.

There is enough strategy and tactics in card play to help swing the odds in the groups favour. So far I have played 3 missions several times as solo, in a duo, a trio and a full four handed game and although it can get tough at times the win percentage for me suggests it fairly well balanced and that good teamwork and understanding the cards really helps and although freak rolls can happen you can tip the odds in your favour most of time.

The rules are pretty straight forward although as with a fair few FFG games i own you have to read them through a couple of times to iron out the creases when odd events are thrown up in gameplay.

Minor niggle that some monster cards in the game don't have a figure for it and say use this figure instead. Thats ok with Lambent variant monsters but i would have like to see figures for some of the other monster cards that double up on figures. I get tha point that in order to keep costs down on the supersize box games FFG have released in the past they have cut back on figures so im hoping more locust figures will arrive in the future.

As Far as expansions go the game is appears setup to allow for Print on demands (similar to mansions of madness) or figure boxes (Tanhausser styled) as well as for larger expansions with new tiles, locust figures new cogs and countless other goodies.

I love Doom but I am enjoying GOW and so are my gaming buddies. As the previous answer said you may want to check out boardgamegeek for reviews but if you can and have a local game club or know someone who is playing you may want to try before you buy. It was a no brainer for me as i felt the price was good and the chance to play with without a Games master was too tempting.

I wouldn't have bought it if it weren't worth it. I too own Doom + expansion, but I've been meaning to get rid of it long befor GoW came on my scope. Sadly, owning a Finnish base game of Doom + ridiculous shipping out of Finland means I can only really sell it to someone in Finland.

buy it, it's a great game.

and expansions... well its ffg... i would be very surprised if there will not be any expansions of this game :) :)

It's a very good game. It give allot of fun. Every one who have play with me said that's a brilliant work of FFG. Don't think – just buy it.

I have been waiting for almost 1 month for my game to arrive! is worth the purchase and the wait! like our friend before me said, don't think, just buy it!.

in a word...YES

This is one great game. really fun to play with a group of friends.

IT is a different type of gaming session as you are not as competative with each other...more just trying to beat the darn game.

Juts when you think the way is clear....those AI cards thrown a whole new wall of Locust into your path.

The detail on the minis alone makes this game worth having. I was quite impressed by the Tickers and Wretches. If you're a fan of Gears it's a must have.

The MarshalUK said:

Personally speaking I really like Gears of war. I own several FFG games including Doom + Expansions and feel the flavour in GOW is different. I finally i get to play the game with friends instead of running it.

This is what I've been looking for. I'm sold. Thanks!