Hi all,
I've been playing Greyjoy recently in joust (can't seem to get a good melee in Tokyo!) and I'm having trouble using the Drowned God themed cards in my deck. I've based my deck off of Darksbane's suggested CS x2 deck here:
My Sets:
CS x2
Queen of Dragons
Kings of the Sea
Wolves of the North CP
The Wildling Horde CP
The Battle of Blackwater Bay CP
House Card: Greyjoy
Total cards: 65
An Empty Throne
The Breaking of Oaths
Loyalty Money Can Buy
Muster the Realm!
The Power of Arms
Rise of the Kraken
Valar Morghulis
Characters: 31
Aeron Damphair (KotS)
Asha Greyjoy (KotS) x2
Balon Greyjoy (KotS) x2
Dagmer Cleftjaw (KotS)
Drowned Disciple (KotS) x2
Drownded Fanatic (KotS)
Drumbeater (KotS) x2
Euron Crow's Eye (KotS) x2
Maester Wendamyr (KotS)
Mercenaries from Pyke (KotS)
Priest of a Drowned God (KotS)
Randyl Tarly
Scurvy Cutthroat (KotS) x3
Sea Raiders (KotS) x3
Shadowcat x2
Stowaway (KotS) x2
Theon Greyjoy (KotS)
Victarion Greyjoy (KotS) x2
Wex Pyke (KotS)
Locations: 18
Aeron's Chambers (KotS)
Bay of Ice
Bloody Keep (KotS) x2
Gatehouse (KotS) x3
Longship Iron Victory (KotS) x2
Iron Island Fiefdoms (KotS) x3
Scouting Vessel (KotS) x2
The Iron Mines (KotS) x2
Sunset Sea x2
Events: 9
Ahead of the Tide (KotS) x2
Asseretion of Might (KotS)
Assault of the Kraken (KotS) x2
Drinking the Sea (KotS)
Risen from the Sea (KotS) x2
Attatchments: 7
Pulled Under (KotS)
Seafarer's Bow (KotS) x2
Support of Harlaw (KotS) x2
Veteran Marauder (KotS) x2
I've been playing mainly Lannister and Targdecks, with the occasional Bara. Our group mainly only has access to what you see above, plus the Kings of the Storm expansion, so we're not metagaming too hard - just light shadows and season manipulation. The Drowned God cards haven't been very useful in my games and I've been slowly phasing them out with Scurvy Cutthroats to counter some of the Targ players attatchments.
The remaining cards in the deck are:
Aeron Damphair - I live this card because of the STR and stealth, and his ability would be great if I was really keen on the other crested (sorry, I can't recall what that crest is called now...) cards in my deck.
Drowned Fanatic - Is making an opponent get rid of two cards really effective? As I write this I'm thinking it actually 'is' but my normal Targ opponent tends to keep a few Kingsroads locations to prevent me from winning initiative and give her extra influence for her ambushes.
Drownded Disciple - Another card with sealth never hurts, but at 3G and only 1 STR, I again have to question how much I want to make my opponent burn down his deck through discards.
Priest of the Drowned God - A situational card that relies on me having that crest out (though I could always give 1 STR to the Priest) - plus I'm throwing away my cards now.
I guess I can see the potential in the Drowned cards, but I don't know if they are right for my deck.
At 65 cards, I could really just toss all of them out to bring me to 60. But I'm wondering if anyone has had a lot of success with these cards and can offer advice on where to sub or cut.
As always, thanks for all the advice/suggestions ahead of time!