Can Equipment (AT guns) be Concealed?

By player338749, in Tide of Iron

It seems entirely conceivable that equipment, i.e ., AT guns, could be concealed, yet the rules haven't directly addressed one way or the other whether they can be or not. Accordingly, in the Fury of the Bear scenario entitled "Prelude To Breakout" could the Soviets presumably conceal the gun crew AND the AT gun (using two concealed markers, one for the crew and one for the AT gun) together in terrain with cover, like in woods or in entrenchments? or not?

The core TOI rules only talk about using concealed markers for squads, it also states vehicles can not be assinged a concealed marker. and here is a extract from the offical FAQ

Q: Can anti-tank guns set up or move into entrenchments and/
or pillboxes?
A: Anti-tank guns are vehicles and therefore may never be in a
building, pillbox or entrenchment.

(take note of the first 5 words in the answer.)

Althought I think calling AT guns vehicles then creates other problems in the game mainly with strategy cards and operations cards. IMO Equipment needs to become its own unit differnt from squads and vehicles.

I agree with your take on this as AT guns were often concealed waiting to ambush tanks and vehicles, even tanks were concealed for the same reason.

Aussie_Digger said:

Althought I think calling AT guns vehicles then creates other problems in the game mainly with strategy cards and operations cards. IMO Equipment needs to become its own unit differnt from squads and vehicles.

I so agree. Giving them their own type and expanding the stats of the existing units by anti-gun ratings would have been the right path.

Can an anti-tank gun be an tank-ace :)

But I realy find it completly stupid that AT guns cannot be setup inside entrenchments, buildings or pillboxes as an operation card. Likewise, I realy dont understand why there isnt an op-card which states that vehicles may use concealment.

But for targeting purposes, i geuss its ok that their threated as vehicles. Keep things simple.

Grand Stone said:

Can an anti-tank gun be an tank-ace :)

Just looked at the card and it says tank units.

there are other cards like dust cloud, fuel shortages, lack of tank radios and so on which can effect AT guns even though logic would suggest they shouldnt.

op cards and/or scenario specific rules are the easiest fix here. but indeed, they should definitely be allowed to be concealed.

op cards and/or scenario specific rules are the easiest fix here. but indeed, they should definitely be allowed to be concealed.

If they ever come out with a Stalingrad expansion, which everyone seems to agree would be great, then FFG definitely will have to expand the rules for AT guns, as the Days of Fox expansion really is not adequate.Since they already went with equipment as a 3rd trait, then they might as well add some new reference sheets with attack values relative to the AT gun being the target., or come out with cards instead, so that if future other types of weapons, vehicles get added, then they just add a new card for the deck.