League of writers, anyone?

By Frozenfish, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

sooo......what 'bout this? Should we end it for good, or will we continue on these forums? or what?
(for those that don't understand, it's from the old forum)

Im good with starting a new one if ninja dude never shows up.

me too, got to have a week limit on posting though

Since I didn't lose my connection (which was one of the fears why I didn't join the original), if you're starting a new one, I'm game this time. Although, dibs on Sister Mary or I walk lengua.gif !

lol ...@ dibs on mary :) )...I mostly prefer to play random, but if we call dibs, I'd call Ashcan Pete, or my fav photographer :X

If memory serves, the original featured the time-honored (or -abused) dibs method. If we do it random, I don't mind.

mandy mandy mandy mandy mandy

What is this? It sounds intriguing...

Check the old forums if you get a chance, its basically a PBeM just like Twilight Imperium, only instead of being exact and concrete on our actions, we role play them like a book or a story. But in the same time being acurate about what items we aquire in the game, how our battles turn out and what encounters we have.

That sounds like a lot of fun! Except that I don't have the room to set up a board permanently. If only there was a way I still could participate in writing without having to play...

I am all for playing on this forum, although I am goingto strongly advocate migrating the old game here and continuing. We have spent, what, 2-3 months and are only on turn 2? but story has developed and things are moving. It would not be hard to migrate either. A simply copy paste would suffice and then we could continue, maybe replace a few people who dropped out or do not wish to continue.

But, we do need to make a decision soon as the old content will be read only soon and will be completely gone soon after that.

I agree that we should try and keep the "old" game alive.

The problem we are facing right now is that Ninjadude seems to be lost in time and space...

If someone would be willing to take his part, great. I might, but I tend to write in a rather short and condensed way that doesn't lend itself well to the elaborate tone and mood Ninjadude set with his story so far.

Anyone who would take over the GM role as played by Ninjadude, should, in my opinion, not be a current player.

Oh, also, I am kind of invested in my character and would hate to restart new. I'm sure some of the others feel the same.

I remember looking in on that thread from time to time and being pretty intimidated by the wealth of story you guys had put together. As a self confessed lurker I'd enjoy seeing the League back together again in some form or other.

Having someone from outside take over as GM would definitely be best.

You wouldn't do this by any chance, would you Starburn? You get to play (well, sorta) AND save the game! ;)

I was already suggested as a replacement for a player your missing, and frankly If I were to roll your die you would curse my soul, I once rolled 18 die in combat only to score 2 hits against AO.

Edited because I jumped to conclusions :P

I agree we need to continue our old game. I'm very invested in my character. We all knew where we were going and we were getting very comfortable with the story. It won't be hard to find a replacement for NinjaDude and Starburn can take Sirprim's place...If anyone else doesn't want to continue I'm sure we could find another to fill in. I'm definitely with Bravo on this. My vote goes to continuing the game here.

So does mine.

I like the way the story unfolds and I also like the way my investigator is involved. Also, I already had the next two encounters (my Other World encounters) already drawn and discussed with Ninjadude, which put me in a position to plan my investigator's story as far as Turn 4 already. I'd hate to have that effort go to waste...

I hope someone is collecting all the old stories from this thread because I don['t have mine still

Well, I believe we could just copy/paste the old game right into a new topic on here. The only issues I see with this is...

It will take a bit of time as You most likely wont be able to copy everything at once.

The player turns will no longer be separated by the player who posted for the old turns only. For Example, if I moved everything over, all the posts would be created by me instead of each player. Doesnt make a difference to me and each post does have a header saying which player's turn it is, so this is minor. On the bright side, this would allow whoever choses to take on this task, the opportunity to clean up the sections by adding appropriate headers and such.

The new forum does not have an Edit button, which becomes almost necessary with this game. It would be to everyones benefit to write each phase turn in another program like Word prior to posting because of this. I do this anyway, but others might not.

We only have a short amount of time to decide and move the old posts as they will be locked down very shortly.

I will volunteer to take on the task, given the go ahead as I work from home and am online all day with much spare time. Just say the word and possibly post a list here of the new players, so I can update these things as needed. Like I know Starburn is going to take Sirprim's place. We need a Mythos Captian and need to know if everyone else is still in. I believe everyone is, but not entirely sure.

I think that is it.

Well I don't know if it's helpfull but here is a script I made to "save" some theads from the TI3 forum.
Just put the full url of a page threat of the old forum and get back the whole page in simple text, ready to cut and paste...

www.wiz.be/nephilim.cfm (put as example the thread to the Legue thread)

Should work on other threats to... but not for long...

Soooo... Any news?

If not, I might head out and copy the old game thread this weekend. (I'll copy it to my hard drive first so I can edit it where needed.) Does the Out-Of-Game-Discussion thread need saving, too? I think not, but what about you?

Hi Guys,

I'm willing to continue if the game gets going again, I don't want to wreck things. But my own personal preference would be to let the game lrest in piece.

I'm probably biased towards this as I forsee a particularly busy time ahead with work. But I think the game has slowed, well actually stopped for a few weeks now and at least one player has apparently dropped out. More importantly the guy running the game also appears to have stepped into a Dunwich Vortex. Momentum has really been lost.

I think it'd be simpler to start a gain with everyone aware of what is required to keep the game going. However as I said I'm willing to continue if that is the consensus, I don't want to spoil the party. Although if anyone is desperate to join and doesn't mind playing a down on his luck stage magician with a propensity to talk to himself (aloud & as interior dialogue) to the extent he doesn't notice anything going on around him, then let me know :)

- Mariana the ex-nun cultist

If it does start again - which may be easiest - then I propose only descriptive text for the encounter phase.