Gateway 17 maps (spoilers)

By Titus Priam, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

I have two maps for the adventure Gateway 17 from . There are GM and Handout maps of the division and Lantern House. I have added two locations to the division map - The Docker Bar (a gang bar) and Gateway Hostel (Reuse of the Hostel from The Edge of Darkness, as non of my groups went there).

Get the maps here:

I would be very interested in maps of The North-South Trade Emporium Office, Haze Spiral and the final location in the docks. Sketches would be fine.

I would also like to know how other GM’s handled the security systems in The North-South Trade Emporium Office.

Will I never playerd the adventure, I took a look at the scenario´over at "Reign". Perhabs you find the following idea for a security system to be helpfull.

Motion Sensor
The rooms where no motion is expect during certain times of the day (like offices or store rooms at the end of the workcycle) could be guarded with motion sensors. Someone knowing what he is looking for ("any security?") might spot the tell-tale "detection devices" in a room corner (oridnary check for perception since these are not concealed). To proof that he knows what he is looking for, he should pass an routine check for security or an ordinary check for Common Lore (Tech).
Once notice, the only way of getting past one of these is moving very slowly (Difficult Silent Move check). If the sensors are triggered, you only have a small amount of time to find a "warn-off-panel" (normaly near an entrance to the building; difficult check for intelligence or +15 check for security) and mutter the litany of apologizes to the machine spirit will entering a correct code... or tempering with the panel to silence the machine spirit (Difficulty Check: Security or -15 Check: Tech-Use.)

Laser Barrier
If a motion sensor is to much, use a laser barrier. A "trip wire" made of an invisibel ray of light. The "end poits" of the barrier can be spotted, whatsoever (ordinary check for perception if some searches and knows what he is looking for (see above) or a hard check for awareness to get a "passive chance" for spotting them).
*This systems rewards players who take the time to think and state that they are looking for something instead of trusting that their awareness will warn them off at the last moment.

Please take not that this two solutions take into account that it is statet that the compound is not actively guarded. A roving securtiy servo skull can be a lot of fun!

- awarness to notice the low humming noise of the incoming skull
- opposed skills to hide from the skull inside a given room
- silent movement to make sure that the skull isn´t alarmed the next time one leaves a room
- even if skull will normaly "go back to busines" if not seeing/hearing anything; he will ring an alarm the first third time he notices a "disturbance".

Thanks for the suggestions.

Hm… maybe sensors near the entrance and then security servo skull in the offices. (The location is on the top of a respectable office building)

Another way of securing is a "break-circuit-alert".

Here is the "function". Every window window and door has a metalplate on both sides which are touching metal plates in the frame. Those are connected to a small electrical wire, with a very low current running through it if the alarm system is "on". The wire goes through the window/door or its "inner frame"; from the plates in the "outer frame/frame" through the walls (or is attached on the walls outside; under a wallpaper/wall panel covering)

If an intruder manages to bypass the lock of a door or window and opens it, the opening "breaks the circuit", the current is no longer flowing. This is detected by the system an the alarm goes off.

How to by-pass the system:
First, if you manage to get through the window/door without opening it AND damaging the wire, you are fine. In the case of a window, this can be achieved by cutting through the glass. In the case of the door, it can proof to be much harder since you can not see where the wire really is.

Second, if you are able to connect the frame/inner frame with another wire and make it hold, you can open the door/window without an alert. The system only recognizes "current flowing / not flowing"... not WHY or WHICH WAY it is flowling!

Third, there must be a panel to enable/disable the alarm. If it is on the outside, it can be tampered with. If it is on the inside, you are going to have a small amount of time (some minutes) to find & fudge with it. If it is INSIDE, their must be a "delay", otherwise the alarm would go off everytime the legitimate owner of the buildung comes in!

Last but not least...find a guy who is working there and get the ID-Card/ElectoPassport/number key from him. Somehow.