I haven't really had a chance to playtest this deck, but I like how it draws so far. This is my second attempt at this type of deck, and the first one was decent but too slow. This one seems to give me plenty of ways to stop opposing challenges and allow me to declare undefended ones pretty regularly. What do you think? Any pointers or opinions?
Sand Snakes
House (1)
House Martell (Core) x1
Agenda (0)
Character (30)
Maester of Lemonwood (BtW) x1
Obara Sand (TWoW) x1
Tyene Sand (OSaS) x2
Ellaria Sand (PotS) x1
Sarella Sand (PotS) x1
Obella Sand (DB) x2
Nymeria Sand (OSaS) x2
Orphan of the Greenblood (PotS) x3
Darkstar (PotS) x1
The Red Viper (TftRK) x1
Pit Viper (RoW) x1
Arianne Martell (PotS) x2
Lost Spearman (MotM) x3
Bastard Daughter (OSaS) x2
Herald of the Sun (SB) x3
Refugee of the Citadel (RoW) x3
House Messenger (PotS) x1
Location (8)
Summer Sea (PotS) x3
Dornish Fiefdoms (PotS) x2
Lord Doran's Chambers (PotS) x1
Palace Fountains (PotS) x2
Event (13)
Burning on the Sand (RotO) x3
Rumors of War (TBoBB) x1
No Use For Grief (DB) x2
Parting Blow (PotS) x2
Blood for Blood (PotS) x3
Compelled by the Sun (CtB) x1
The Prince's Wrath (PotS) x1
Attachment (9)
Locked Away (PotS) x2
Oberyn's Guile (MotA) x1
Snakeskin Veil (CbtC) x3
Blood of the Viper (OSaS) x3
Plot (7)
Uneasy Truce (Core) x1
Lineage and Legacy (KotStorm) x1
War of Attrition (MotA) x1
Marched to the Wall (LoW) x1
To the Spears! (PotS) x1
Regroup (KotStorm) x1
Loyalty Money Can Buy (QoD) x1