Redeucer Character Sheet converted to Black Crusade

By nethru, in Black Crusade

Found an issue with skill calculations. It wasn't giving the full bonus for known skills. Fixed in newest version.

First thanks for doing this its been helpful. I found a few bugs, triats for minions dont work, the power scythe isnt in the weapons and chain great sword has the wrong stats.

More specifically about the minion traits, it's not that they don't work it's that they have been included in the talents section and the traits section drop down doesn't work.

Thanks for feedback. The traits will work when you select what type of minion it is. The talents is all the traits and talents combined I just used the same table for the players to utilize but when you select your minion type only the traits available to that minion will be selectable. I saw a few other issues will fix the ones you noted as well as others I found. Thanks!

Haroon said:

First thanks for doing this its been helpful. I found a few bugs, triats for minions dont work, the power scythe isnt in the weapons and chain great sword has the wrong stats.

Just looked in book i see Chain Greatsword as 2d10+2 R Pen 3. Is this different now?

When you view it on the main character tab it says 2d10 +2 however on the minion tab it says 2d10. I should have been more clear, but when i noticed it on the minion tab i assumed the same problem existed on the main character tab as well.

Ahh yes i'm fixing that in this next version. Got a few bugs I found including that one. THANKS! :)

Version 19 I think I make to many changes to fast I should probably fix more things in bulk and then release them!

Added some fields for Traits/Talents under minions for group types etc...
Fixed some spelling issues in armour types for calculations
Fixed weapons for minions
Added missing weapons

Thanks for feedback and helping me fix bugs guys!

Hey dude, awesome sheet.
Few things/bugs:

1) Assigning the Best Quality/Good Quality to a Ranged weapon adds the bonuses for melee weapons. Quality has different effects for melee and ranged.

2) I was confused as to what the three different columns are for characteristics. Adding some instructions or headings would be worthwhile. I assume the blue is for your bonus, and the second for the second digit of the stat, but what about the third? Also, if these guesses are correct, then the sheet also has the following issues:

3) The (blue) bonus characteristic column does not allow for Unnatural Stats or other characteristic bonus modifiers. Putting the modified bonus into the blue column causes the skills to calculate far too high. For example, If my Space Marine has STR 42, his bonus is actually 8 because he has UN Strength 4. This causes the althletics skills to read as "82".

4) Putting a "0" in the second column for characteristics does not work. It simply removes the zero. This isn't a big deal, but should be easy to fix.

5) For weapon stats, putting "Non-Primitive" is irrelevant. Primitive is now a special, numbered quality.

Love the sheet, thanks for the good work :)

Thanks i'll look into fixing those issues. As for the characteristics the 3rd box is used for unnatural characteristics. So if your str if 45 you put 4 in first box 5 in send and 4 in 3rd for SM characters. The UC is not added into any calculations on the sheet it's more just for the character to know they have it. I'll start working on those issues this weekend.

Updated with fixes:

Fixed zero not showing in characteristic space
Removed Lathe Blade from weapon quality
Removed Non-Primitive from weapon descriptions as no longer relevant
Fixed weapon addons and quality for WS vs BS items

Movement rate for an agility bonus of 0 is 1/2, not 0. Black Crusade pg 39.

The sheet makes your movement "0". Should be 1/2, 1, 2, 3.

Just another thing. Noticed that the Space marines don't get their +1 Movement for being Hulking size. Maybe add a size field which is apply to correct modifiers to size/stealth etc?

What page is that on don't recall seeing it.


Power armour changes your size to hulking. pg 175.

Anything of hulking size gets +1 movement. Table-4-8, pg 142.

Black carapace just removes the to hit penalty for SM's being Hulking size. The other changes would still apply.

So I guess it's actually a power armour change, not a "race" change. If you add it though, maybe also add an option in there for terminator armour *or* power armour?

Having issue getting that +1 in there for the 1/2 movement with zero Agility Bonus so not looking pretty. Haven't forgotten about this :)

Redeucer is back in action and made a bunch of changes to the file to fix errors. Link is updated if you like the sheet.

Any chance an admin or someone could sticky this thread so folks can find the sheet easier?

Just dropping by to say that none of the links are working for me. Might be a problem with mediafire currently or something else. I remember them not working earlier either.

cis013 said:

Just Wondering. How do you account for the Unnatural Strength and Toughness and the Power Armor boost to Strength in the Characteristics section? The Encumbrance Auto-Calculate has my Str+T at 8.

While they count as half for DoS [and so would for pushing yourself on strength], that's actually a bonus, given in addition to boosting the bonus without changing the % chance of a base success. They do count fully for other calculations, such as damage, movement and all that, so wouldn't it also apply to carrying?