I decided to start working on the Excel Character sheet for Black Crusade today. I am starting with the Advancements/Alignment page because think it will be the most troublesome. I want to make sure I understand how the alignments work so I don't make any mistakes in creating the this section. Hence turn to you all to confirm my understanding.
Rules of Aligntment (As I understand them)
1. You become aligned with a god when you have 5 or more advances than with any other path.
2. If the chaos god alignment you have the highest points in is within 4 points of any other chaos god's point total you count as unaligned.
3. Only those talents and skills purchased with experience (i.e. not starting skills or talents) count towards alignment.
4. Skill advances (+10, +20, +30) also add a point of alignment for the respective god.
5. Multiple advances of a Talent with specialties also add a point of alignment for the respective god.
6. Unaligned is ignored when comparing which god you are aligned to. (Not sure about this one)
How accurate is my understanding of the rules?
Edit: Clarified Rule #2