OK concealment works as is but fails to do one important thing conceal your squads from your opponent. This can be done rather easily with out changing the way the rule works now. Simply mark a letter (A,B,C and D) on one side of the concealment tokens say opposite of the question mark. Then take a piece of paper or cardboard and draw 4 squares and label each square with a letter (a,b,c,and d). Now place each of your concealed squads in a box on the paper (only 1 per box). Keeping the letter of the concealment marker secret from your opponent, place it with the letter down on the board as you would the squad normally. You will move only your tokens until your concealment is broken or removed. The squad with the matching letter on the token that is revealed is placed on the board. This will introduce a little fog of war into your game and your oppenat will not send his tanks right at your regular infantry if he thinks it might be the squad of elites with the AT specialation. Keep in mind that it only works with 2 or more squads and if you have an officer concealed but move 5 every time your opponent will know.
let me know what you think.