Themed Match-ups (rather than themed decks?)

By -Istaril, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

Part of my goal with my LCG cards is to rope in new players who's interest may have been piqued by the recent prominence/publicity Game of Thrones has received... and while I've seen some nice deck lists that are relatively balanced and don't complicate things with additional mechanics - good starting points, I always felt that limiting your deck construction to one deck was limiting your possibilities. The goal wouldn't be competitive, but rather a set of balanced, nedly-ish lists that interact in potentially interesting ways, designed to re-create (or create) a plausible situation from the books.

-Lannister (Jaime) deck and Stark (Robb) deck to re-create the battle of the whispering woods
-A Bolton and Tyrion Clannsmen pairing
-A Renly knights to pair off against a Stannis Asshai
-Wildlings vs Night's Watch.
-Tyrion + King's Landing vs Stannis
-Greyjoy vs Stark+Bara (Ned and Robert) Alliance

I think these would also have the advantage of not having any mechanics designed to offset skills the opponents don't have (leaving new players with dead-weight cards in their hand).

I'm toying with the idea of the Bolton/Clannsmen pairing, as it seems to be one I can easily construct with my cards. Anyone have any themed deck sets of a similar nature? Or interesting ideas for decks like these?