Battlelore Warfare

By caradoc, in Battlelore

Dust Tactics has a table-top implementation - Dust Warfare. Any thoughts on the potential for Battlelore to follow suit?

Units could be divided into three 'Battles' (like sections), and command cards could still be used to activate them. Battles could be denoted by differently coloured or shaped pennant/standard banners.

Mind you - with the lack of anything for Battlelore - FAQ, map builder, tactic guide, painting comp, POD expansion, printed expansion or anything - I am having doubts as to whether we'll see much more on the Battlelore front sadly.

A shame - as the Dust Cerberus expansion, with the urban warfare aspect, throws a different light on Dust in a way I had long hoped expansions might add to Battlelore.



(Not that I have a particular interest in another tabletop game - I am already loving the look of A Song of Blades and Heroes and Rise of the Occulites)

Trust me, Battlelore is "dead" for things considering. FFG just won't say it publicly but when you email them quite a few times and no reply back, just like most of their products, the line is for points dead. So just move on...sadly FFG can't admit it...

A little off topic, but Song of Blades and Heroes is great. I love BattleLore for the mass battles, but it does not really have a dungeon delving aspect. I tried Descent to get my dungeon delving fix, but this product line just seemed to spiral out of control and become hugely unmanageable with all the thousands of cards and tokens. It suddenly became "not fun anymore." I have a bunch of old D & D battle maps and a bunch of painted miniatures. Song of Blades and Heroes was the perfect solution. I can now use my battle maps, 3D terrain and scenery, and my painted miniatures for dungeon delve, skirmish-type battles. The rules for Song of Blades and Heroes is also very streamlined and definately don't get bogged down in too many tokens and cards.