Deck building rules.

By Kingsguard, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

Hello, very new player here. I just bought the core set and am trying to find deck building rules for when I wanna start customizing my deck. Where would I find those? Also, I'd appreciate any info you might have to give to a new player about metagame and cards to include and whatnot.

Deck building rules are included in the core set rulebook.

Basically, it's like this:

1 House card

Max. 1 Agenda (unless more are permitted by card text)

Exactly 7 plot cards

A Draw deck of min. 60 cards

Each card max. x3 by card title (i.e. different cards with the same title count towards this). A few cards have a limit of max. one per deck.

House X only cards can only be included in your deck if you have the matching House card.

That should be it.

Helpful resources are

Alrighty thanks for the info

New question: Can my deck contain characters that don't match my chosen house? I thought no but then in the rulebook it mentioned somthing about characters frm a different house costing more?

Kingsguard said:

New question: Can my deck contain characters that don't match my chosen house? I thought no but then in the rulebook it mentioned somthing about characters frm a different house costing more?

Cards not affiliated with your house cost an extra 2 gold to play.

I think I read somewhere that if your house card is Neutral, the Out of House Penalty is reduced to 1 gold, but I could be wrong about that.

You can indeed play cards from "out-of-house" (OOH), paying a 2g OOH penalty when playing them. This gold penalty can be reduced by the use of "Treaty" agendas or the plot card "Alliance", along with some occasional card-specific effects (eg. Theon from A Change of Seasons).

Note that this still doesn't allow you to play any cards which specifically say "House X only" unless they match your house card.

Edit: The "Neutral" House card (Called "Neutral Faction") Zephryl is referring to is, which reduces the OOH penalty by 1.

All good information and resources.

Also, only one of any plot card in your plot deck unless the card itself says otherwise (The Power of Blood and The Power of Arms are the only two that allow two in a plot deck I believe.)

Shenanigans said:

(The Power of Blood and The Power of Arms are the only two that allow two in a plot deck I believe.)

The Power of Faith is a third.