See the title of the thread. If the game is diffrent enough I would pick it up. Can anyone who has both say whether they have regreted the purchase of Elder Sign?
I own Arkham Horror and all it's expansions. Should I still consider Elder SIgn?
I have both, and have not regretted purchasing Elder Sign. It's made it to the table every night since purchase - and we play it two or three times every night. Still, I have every intention of continuing our monthly AH afternoon/evening, as well.
I havn't played AH yet, but I played elder signs with a guy who owns it and he liked elder signs. said it was similiar but faster.
In a word: YES. I've only played it once, but it was a blast. It's rather shorter than Arkham and much simpler, and there's also a lot less theme. But what theme there is is very cool, and the gameplay is quite fun. Essentially, the strategy revolves around calculating odds; that is, deciding which of the six adventures you think you can go up against and whether you should send any resources to do so. It's also very appealing on a tacticle level. It's quite satisfying to place the dice on the icons as you complete tasks, and the clock was a fantastic idea. It's definitely not as good as Arkham, and itt's definitely nowhere near as deep an experience as Arkham, but it's still fun. Given the choice, I would probably choose it over Arkham for solo play, mostly because Arkham is such a time committment.
My group likes both AH and ES. The flavor of the mythos is in both, but they are different games. The decisions in ES are simple but have a big effect on the game.
I have played Arkham Horror it was a tough but great game. I need to get it and I really like the idea of Elder Sigh. I hope to add this to my collection soon.
i got to play AH and so can compare the games now.
They are similiar but different games. The mechanics for one are diferent.
So far my impression is that 1-2 players I would play ES. 3-5, ES and AH would both be cool. 6-8 i would prefer AH. (i think 5 player i would lean more to AH too).
In AH players do more, and do it faster. each person moves then you do events, then mythos. in ES each player's turn takes a lot longer. if you had 6 or 8 players in ES i bet you could get up for 15 minutes and not be missed before it was your turn, that's not true in AH. so imo AH would keep individual attention's better in larger grps.
AH is more cooperative than ES. There are some mechanics in ES that let you help other players, but in AH you can share items and as a group you have to deal with all of the creatures that spawn in the game. In AH you have to balance who enters gates with who battles the creatures and make sure the right people use the right gear. If you horde items in AH it will make the game much harder.
ES is more about how to best use your own items to manipulate the dice. The is thought needed in how to complete an adventure effectively, but the number of options are much less in ES. You can play either game 1-8 and both games play better with a few house rules, but since AH is the older game, it has more resources available that provide suggestions from the designers.
I would go crazy trying an 8 player ES game i think. Just from the fact that by the time my turn came around again the clock would have struck midnight 2 times. then if i had to spend a turn to heal, omg, next turn the game would be over...=p.
i know it says its faster but about how long is an avg game
do you think we will see any expantions with this as well
wewingtonheetanicus said:
do you think we will see any expansions with this as well?
Exactly the question I was asking myself. Now to get an answer...
wewingtonheetanicus said:
i know it says its faster but about how long is an avg game
It's surprising if it goes past an hour. Usually 45 minutes or so for my games.
Master Fwiffo said:
wewingtonheetanicus said:
i know it says its faster but about how long is an avg game
It's surprising if it goes past an hour. Usually 45 minutes or so for my games.
Depends on the turn out of Elder Signs. In our games they somehow shift to the bottom of the deck. This slows the game a lot.
I'll certainly be waiting for an expansion to ES. My playgroup enjoys this game very much, and we usually go for a game or two before our weekly gaming session. It's fast and you get you quota of H.P. Lovcraft as well
Agreed, an expansion would be very welcome! Lets hope for an POD really soon!
This game is really awesome!
And with expansions i can see the possibility to move outside of arkham too. Mountains of madnes anyone?
Richard U. Pickman said:
Mountains of madness anyone?
I can already picture Ashcan Pete and Duke on the table. Poor bastards...
Arkham horror is a great game, but it takes a long time to setup. It is nice to dive into the world of H.P. Lovecraft in a matter of a few minutes, when you start playing Elder Sign. This is another excellent job of Fantasy Flight to get soooo much coool stuff cramed into such a small box...impressive!!!