Hello everyone.
I´m about to DM a Black Crusade group and I´m a little lost in regards to corruption points and how distribute them appropriately. While Infamy and Experience pretty well lined out, I´m kinda missing a general guideline for CP´s.
So players start with 0 CP´s and 19 + 1d5 Infamy (not considering Pride, Faillings, Motivation). Their goal aside from a decente RPG experience (I assume) is to reach the required Infamy befor they reach 100 corruption. With a headstart of roughly 20 Infamy over corruption the PC´s have, how do I go from there?
Do I reward the Players with roughly the same amount of corruption as reward them with infamy? So if they do well, their Infamy to Corruption ratio stays about the same or improves slightly. While punishment will bestow more Corruption on them, worsening the ratio or even tipping the balance towards a lead in Corruption.
Am I on the right track here? How do you guys go about this?