Hi all,
I've been playing around on CardgameDB with building a Martell deck themed around House Dayne (with the idea to end up buying and running it, of course). Adding in essentially everything with a House Dayne Trait or Starfall in the name, I've found that there are only a handful of unique characters (via Ser Gerold, Ser Arthur and Lord Edric), and the deck ends up as very intrigue and military based, with a lot of weenie characters. I've thrown in some influence-bringing Paramours for the events, and some Power icon characters such as Maester Kedry to make sure I'm not demolished in those challenges.
My questions are, though:
1) Should I run with the Kings of Summer Agenda, or the Knights of the Realm one? Both have their place, and I can't really decide (mostly because I run the KotR Knight deck with a few personal tweaks out of the Bara expansion). Summer allows Knights and Maester of the Sun to trigger some cool abilities, but then again I have a lot of knights that I can get onto the table quickly
2) What the hell am I doing with events? I findt his is one of the hardest parts of deckbuilding, as there are so many of them to choose from. Martell doubly so as a lot of them require influence.
3) This deck is certainly a Nedly one, but is it a weedy one to be dispatched with ease by the simplest of core deck builds?
Any other comments, criticisms or suggestions are very welcome, as this is the first deck I've built from scratch.
Dawn of Starfall
House (1)
House Martell (Core) x1
Agenda (1)
Kings of Summer (ASoS) x1
Character (32)
Darkstar (PotS) x3
Ser Arthur Dayne (TWoW) x2
Edric Dayne (IG) x1
Maester Kedry (FtC) x1
Starfall Bannerman (ASoS) x3
Starfall Cavalry (MotA) x3
House Dayne Knight (PotS) x3
Lord Edric's Knight (PotS) x3
House Dayne Skirmisher (PotS) x2
House Dayne Squire (ASitD) x2
Starfall Advisor (TWH) x2
Besiegers of Dorne (TWot5K) x1
House Dayne Reserves (PotS) x1
Knights of the Sun (ASoS) x1
Dornish Paramour (TTotH) x1
Maester of the Sun (ASoS) x1
Starfall Healer (RotO) x1
Starfall Merchant (RoR) x1
Location (16)
Lord Doran's Chambers (PotS) x1
Dorne (PotS) x1
Starfall (ASitD) x1
The Tower of Joy (TRS) x1
Training Grounds (LoW) x1
Dornish Fiefdoms (PotS) x3
Water Garden (PotS) x3
Southron Vessel (IG) x2
Palace Fountains (PotS) x2
Kingsroad Fiefdom (QoD) x1
Event (11)
Paper Shield (QoD) x3
Fallen and Reborn (RoR) x2
Red Vengeance (PotS) x2
He Calls It Thinking (PotS) x2
Someone Always Tells (PotS) x1
Wars Are Won with Quills (PotS) x1
Attachment (6)
Dawn (TRS) x2
Black Raven (ASoS) x3
War Scorpion (BoRF) x1
Plot (7)
A Song of Summer (ASoS) x1
Fury of the Sun (AE) x1
Loyalty Money Can Buy (QoD) x1
Muster the Realm! (QoD) x1
Take Them by Surprise (LoW) x1
To the Spears! (PotS) x1
Tourney for the Hand (Core) x1