I'm a bit confused on the true allied and opposed table for characteristics

By zombietots, in Black Crusade

How is it possible to get a simple true characteristic if you start as unaligned? The chart also says unaligned are allies to unaligned, Is this a typo?

It could be, but then again unaligned don't follow a Chaos God so how can they be true to Undivided?

zombietots said:

How is it possible to get a simple true characteristic if you start as unaligned? The chart also says unaligned are allies to unaligned, Is this a typo?

You start as unaligned, but you can get aligned by picking talents for instance, so when you get aligned you can buy the cheap true characteristics.

Its not typo (I believe), unaligned are allied with all the gods so they get all those abilities at the average cost, if they also got the unaligned abilities at true cost then they would have a big advantage IMO.