These are multiple questions that are unclear (to me at least).:
1. Can you choose to NOT move?
It would seem a bit obvious, but then there lies the question of just sitting at the entrance and healing
2. Is it heal one Sanity AND Stamina, or one Sanity OR Stamina.
If you look at the rule book, it's AND, and if you look at the card, it's OR. I like the card's interpretation better.
3a. Clue tokens: Does it allow you to reroll ONE or ALL, or ANY NUMBER or ALL?
It just says "any or all". The implication is any one die, or all the die, but this probably needs clarification.
3b. Can I keep using clue tokens after another role to complete a task fails?
I think this is yes, but I'm unsure.
4. How the devil does assisting work? Does the person just act as another focus area?
If you read it, it just seems that any ally assisting acts as another focus area, but then it seems just a bit weak. 6 guys in ONE room still doesn't do **** in terms of having an advantage.
5. Summoning monsters when there are no free monster slots just mean it fizzles, right?
6. Elder Signs don't get lost from being devoured, correct?
7. Can spells be played out of turn, and for other people?
8. Can characters that affect rolls (such as Mandy Thompson, and Michael McGlen) outside of their turn?
9. If an Ancient One devours the investigator representing the player, that player is OUT for the rest of the game, correct? He does not get reintroduced as another investigator, correct?
These are all the small inconsistencies/questions I had during 3 playthroughs. Thanks for answering!
EDIT: I have another question.
10. When we use trophies at the trophy shop, they just go to the bottom of the deck, right?