And here is my next case to somebody to clarifiy...
How do you handle Under the Porch and Eat the Dead?
Under the Porch
[shub-Niggurath Support]
Action: Sacrifice Under the Porch to search your deck for a Shub-Niggurath character, and put it into play under your control. At the end of the phase, return that character to its owner’s hand.
Eat the Dead
[shub-Niggurath Support]
Attach to a character you control.
Response: When attached character is destroyed, attach it and Eat the Dead to any domain you control as resources.
Since I could use Under the Porch to pick any Shub-character from my deck, attach Eat the Dead to it and then give him a one wound to destroy it and attach it to my domain as a resource. But would Under the Porch in this case occur after the end of this phase (in this case my operations phase)?
I think I found one case where Magnus was doing some research for Serpent of Yoth, where he clarified the faq rule
(v1.0) Card States
If a card has an ability that triggers in
response to said card entering the discard
pile, that effect does not resolve or
trigger if that card had blank text due to
a card effect, was attached to a domain
as a resource, was discarded from hand,
or was insane before it entered the
discard pile.
So would this also happen in this case? That since my character would not be in play anymore, it would not go to my hand? Or does the Under the Porches text go over this rule, since it does not clarify if the character is in the play anymore?
Im not so sure which one is the correct way, for me it little bit stands for it, that you would have to return the character to my hand, but then again... If I would have to go by the text of the card, I would have to do it so.