Force Weapons and killing will into blade

By nethru, in Black Crusade

It states force weapons can put killing will into blade and do opposed willpower test as free action to do more damage. What if you use swift/lightning attack and hit multiple times. Can you do this opposed test multiple times or only once per round?

I think you can do it multiple times, if that turns out to be too powerful it would be a simple fix to say once per attack (swift attack and lightning attack still only counts as one attack).

Yeah because say the psyker has super high willpower and hits 4 times with a lightning attack they would do some serious hurt with that extra 1d10 per degree that bypasses armor/toughness! Probably kill just about anything.

I'd say the extra damage would just come from one hit, not all of them.

Personally I like to see a lowering standards on crit damage instead of just more damage. If you want more damage than let it just be +1d10 damage that ignores armor and toughness. Just my opinions though.

I'm inclined to think of it as a welcome change from the way that in Dark Heresy and Deathwatch, its all about storm bolters and autocannons. Melee being powerful for a change is pretty awesome. Even so, I don't think lightning attack force swords outperform autocannons and vengeance round-loaded stormbolters.

You can only do each action once per round. Ergo, no more than one "killing will" per round. Believe me when I say that it is more than powerful enough!

Apparently I'm blind as I'm having trouble finding a few things in the book. Namely, the text that lays out the opposed psychic test for force weapons and where it states that you can only perform one type of action per round.

If someone could point me at the page numbers for those, I'd be really appreciative.

I have the DW book, and remember reading (and can find) the text regarding smashing someone in the face with a force weapon and getting an opposed roll for more damage, but for some reason that text escapes me in the Black Crusade book.

And as Jackal points out about the types of actions, that sounds right, (coming from the DW book) but I can't find that section either in the BC book. All I see is that you can do 1 full action or 2 half actions and as many free as you and the GM feel appropriate. There's a mention about the action subtypes being used to help you figure out what you can't do (the example being no movement actions for immobile people) but there's gotta something else in there that I'm just not seeing, otherwise you'd be able to swift-attack twice as it's just a half action.

And lastly, I don't seem to see any limit on psychic powers per turn. Is there one? Is that in the text I'm missing above? Warp Time's a half action, Precognition's a half action, Precognitive dodge is a reaction. What keeps me from using those all in the same turn? (I'm assuming whatever would keep me from swift-attacking twice a turn would keep me from doing this, but again, can't seem to find that sentence/paragraph/page.)

Once again, page numbers are highly appreciative so I can go back to the tribe and share our collective knowledge.

Many Thanks!

Page 234: "A character may perform one full action or two different half actions".

The rules for force weapons are on page 149, under qualities.

It seems, however, that FFG has managed to repeat what they did with deathwatch once again. Raw says nothing about how many times you can use killing will, but since they errataed it in DW, I think it's fair to assume that BC will follow the same ruling.

It'd be nice to finally get a consistent product from ffg though.

Ahh, thanks. I checked through chapter 6 and through the individual force weapon descriptions , but didn't think to check the force weapon quality.

Yeah, I keep thinking there has to be something in there somewhere that say "You can't use swift attack twice in a turn" but I can't find it.

There is. on page 234 it says that you cant use the same half action twice in one turn.

Ahh, but the force blade thing is a free action, not a swift action.

plus it no longer seems to be a psy power.

Even if it was only 1/round, I'd be okay with it, though, because unlike in DH, you don't have to inflict damage, just lend a hit.

Thanks again jackal.

I just saw the limitations on the top right column of 234 about the attack and concentration subtypes.

Since using the force weapon imposes a Focus power test, and checking 208 states that any focus power test requires a focus power action (they reference the table on 236 for that one), making the Force weapon activation a concentration sub-type action would limit its use to once per round.

If you wanted to limit it that way, that is.

That'd make sense within the confines of the tabletop as well, as most psykers are forced to make the choice to use a power or use the force weapon. Or at least limit the number of times they use the force weapon based on the number of powers they can use per turn (Silly Grey Knights =P).

I don't think it specifically lists the Killing Will action as a Concentration subtype (please PLEASE correct me if you can find it), though I certainly plan on houseruling it that way in my games. Additionally, remember that the psyker must choose a Psychic Strength for the attack (since his effective Psy Rating adds a bonus to his Opposed Willpower test), which means that he may be open to suffering from psychic phenomena by using Killing Will, depending on the strength he activates it with.