I have a Princes of the Sun set + Core(s) to toy around with. I noticed there is a thread suggesting a Greyjoy build (done) and another in the Targaryen box. However, I have not found a basic Princes+ build for Martell. Does anyone know where I can find this information? If not a build suggestion would be appreciated. FYI, my plan is to get these basic builds in place for all the Houses and then introduce cards and do rebuilds from Chapter packs as I get them. Also, I am looking at Targaryen as my House to focus on so I will not want to pull anything that would compromise that.
Princes of the Sun +
Check out Grift's Decklist here - boardgamegeek.com/thread/520495/kots-and-pots-pre-con-decks-competative-vs-core-se - for PotS + a Core Set idea. Worked nicely for me.
Try this. Built with 2x Core Set and 1x PotS (Revised Edition).
House (1)
House Martell (Core) x1
Agenda (0)
Character (30)
Arianne Martell (PotS) x3
Darkstar (PotS) x3
Ellaria Sand (PotS) x1
Harmen Uller (PotS) x1
House Messenger (PotS) x3
Orphan of the Greenblood (PotS) x3
Ser Arys Oakheart (PotS) x1
The Red Viper (PotS) x3
The Viper's Bannermen (PotS) x3
Maester Aemon (Core) x1
Areo Hotah (PotS) x1
House Dayne Knight (PotS) x2
House Dayne Skirmisher (PotS) x3
Lord Edric's Knight (PotS) x2
Location (12)
Dornish Fiefdoms (PotS) x2
Lord Doran's Chambers (PotS) x1
Palace Fountains (PotS) x1
Street of Steel (Core) x1
Water Garden (PotS) x3
Shadowblack Lane (Core) x1
Summer Sea (Core) x3
Event (11)
Make an Example (PotS) x1
Parting Blow (PotS) x3
Red Vengeance (PotS) x3
Distinct Mastery (Core) x1
He Calls It Thinking (PotS) x3
Attachment (7)
Bodyguard (Core) x1
Milk of the Poppy (Core) x1
Rusted Sword (PotS) x2
Taste for Blood (PotS) x3
Plot (7)
The Red Wedding (PotS) x1
The Power of Blood (Core) x2
Valar Morghulis (Core) x1
To the Spears! (PotS) x1
Power and Wealth (Core) x1
The Power of Arms (Core) x1
Thanks lads, I am on it!
Make sure to tell us how it went.
Pardon a bit of thread necromancy.
I combined suggestions from this thread with information I found in "Martell is broken" threads. Let me just say, as we develop our decks Martell will be driving the meta, LOL!
Thank you all for the suggestions. They were extremely helpful.
Please do share the decklist of the finished product.