IMPORTANT : Easy ways to make the game harder

By grouik2, in Elder Sign


I am working on the French version of Elder Sign. And I would like to know if anyone has a simple idea to make the game harder. This variant will be proposed on the French forum or maybe in the rules if there is room.

Any serious ideas are appreciated. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Thanks! gran_risa.gif

well, I admit that there are times you can play a game and it seems easy, but there are times you can play it and it is rough. The game seems to have a slippery slope aspect. When you start loosing it gets a lot harder to bounce back. The biggest thing to me that makes a single game harder then the next is the boss on the board, so an expansion with harder bosses would help

Now without an expansion possible ideas for making the current game harder....

1. all doom track spots on a boss card release a monster.

2. take out all the adventure cards that are worth 1 point.

3. ignore special abilities on character cards, or maybe remove some of the more powerful characters from the game.

thats all i got for now.

Thanks! gran_risa.gif

I thought of another way, but not sure how feasible it is. The adventure cards with the arrows ( i.e. the ones you have to do in order) are usually harder then the others, especially when you have to add monster markers to them. A game with only these adventure cards would be a lot harder. 1. not sure how many there are in the original, as is game atm though. 2. even if there are enough this might make it a little too rough, would need some play testing. Might be an interesting idea for an expansion though.

Another thing to make the game a little harder, and maybe a little faster. Lower the doom track on the boss cards. Would force players to take more risks, and every failure on an adventure would be a big set back.

1. Add a Doom penalty to each adventure, so an adventure with a doom penalty would add 2 if you fail.

2. Add a doom marker every Midnight even if the mythos card does not say to add one.

3. Draw 2 mythos cards, resolve both instant effects and keep the second cards lingering effect in play.

4. Adventures with monster tasks start with monsters already on them.

Many thanks for all your ideas! gran_risa.gif

Having played through all of the goo's now i can safely say that the difficulty is directly related to the Goo you are facing. Some of them are ridiculously EASY to beat and there's a couple , like Hastur, Ithaqua and Nyarlathotep who will eat your face off. We had one game where we were totally stuck and doomed because of Hastur's trigger.

I like this though because you can teach the basics to people and add more difficulty to the game as you want it. Removing all of the "1's" fromt he adventure deck could be tough but i tried one recently where i left in ONLY the adventures that have "At Midnight" and "Terror" effects. That's a pretty unforgiving game if you have a couple bad dice rolls.

My only game so far was against Hastur, and I actually thought he was fairly easy, since all his ability does is oblige you to ignore Other World adventures. How did you end up stuck against him? Did you just get unlucky and not draw enough ordinary adventures with Elder Signs as their reward?

After playing LOTR, I need a break from hard games. I look forward to a card game I can play solo and actually win.