Axis Werewolves

By ReaverRandall, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

ok i'm digging the apes and zombies and the armoured troops for axis in the RCS...when will we see the axis werewolves?LOL! I fully expect to be seeing some terrifying lycnthropes of doom as it fits right in with the little twists on actual history we have seen so far. The nazis actually did have an operation werewolf though it had nothing to do with the creatures of myth.

Who is with me on this?

i had though about useing SOTR's werewolves as ape standins...

Apes (have them) and Zombies (have them too) ... next Werewolves and Vampires (would not be surprised at all!).

Werewolves and Vampires are already handled by SOTR and Incursion. Do they use them in the Dust comics??

No werewolves or vampires in my comics.

Well, TotenMeister is already kinda vampyric.

Kinda vampyric and the sort of Bela Lugosi/Boris Karloff things you see in SOTR are different. I really do not see any place for werewolves or vampires in DT or DW.

I have the Zombies, but I am not all that excited about them. I would have preferred to see Axis Rocket troops first.

Major Mishap said:

No werewolves or vampires in my comics.

Lot of things released that were not in the comics. Lot of things in the comics not yet released. Whats wrong with werewolves?

Vampires are just the Zombies that retain their intelligence/self control and possibly with the W-Serum. I see no reason for them as individual squads, but I can see and eccentric German/Austrian/Romanian nobleman who gets the treatment and lives it up some, maybe not super Boris Karloff style but definately trench coat and pet wolf style.

Werewolves would be cool in my opinion. A side effect of more experiments using re0animated Vrill tissue and blood and so forth.

My only concern is if they are going to do it, they better have a different stat line then apes/zombies.

Grand Inquisitor Fulminarex said:

Werewolves and Vampires are already handled by SOTR and Incursion.

Sarcasm On!

So were walkers, sci-fi weapons, aliens and other wierd war ideas and concepts. Heck, why make Dust at all? Other games already have miniatures! And DICE with funky symbols! And World War Two and Germany in them! No need for anything else. EVER! Hey FFG dont try to encroach into another games theme or market! Thats not wanted here.

Sarcasm off. I have never bought the "another game did that" argument.

We should all just go off and play SOTR!

Well, the biggest problem is that you are thinking about the wrong faction.

Peacekeeper_b said:

Lot of things released that were not in the comics. Lot of things in the comics not yet released. Whats wrong with werewolves?

I don't have any particular problem with the idea of axis werewolves, they are a pretty stock for pulp nazis. My issue is that they would be another close combat only unit. The gorillas and zombies already have that nitch filled for now. I'd like to see some more variety before they come back around to something like wearwolves.

On a side note though, if I was going to make my own unit, I'd use the old heroscape Anubian Wolves (3) and the hero Khosumet. They are plastic, in the right scale and have ok sculpts with ok paint jobs. You can usually find them floating around on ebay still.

I agree, the game has lately been overwhelmed with close combat units.

But it was no surprise that this would be the coming units since the introduction of buildings.

We need Axis Rocket Troops and Air units. Dog and cat people and Twilight rejects can wait as far as I am concerned.

would the Axis Rocket troops be a class 2 or a class 3 unit? special ability Jump? or would they be able to just "drop" in as a reinforcement ?

I'm guessing the rocket troops will be Armor 2 infantry (based on their appearance in the comic) and either Jump or full on flight (check the description for Armor 1 aircraft)

Me... I don't see a point to werewolves, I'm not sure what role they'd fill that the Gorillas don't and, as has been said, the Totenmeister might as well be a vampire.

Grand Inquisitor Fulminarex said:

We need Axis Rocket Troops and Air units. Dog and cat people and Twilight rejects can wait as far as I am concerned.

Well I dont want dog or cat people or Twilight rejects. The Nazi Werewolf has been a pulp genere staple since the 1940s. Even as a individual hero I would be immensely satisfied.

As for its role? Well it would be different then zombies and apes as it would be infantry hunter. Effective stats against Infantry AC 1, 2 and 3 (think 6/1, 4/1 and 2/1). Probably only a 1/1 against Tank AC 1 and 2.

He himself would be M1 AC2 H4 with Jump and Damage Resistance and Berserk or Charge.

I would also like to see some Axis Rocket Troops, AC2 with jump/fast/flight (rules), sub machine guns and knife/grenade.

And of course bring on the aircraft, at least one for each side.

Peacekeeper_b said:

Grand Inquisitor Fulminarex said:

We need Axis Rocket Troops and Air units. Dog and cat people and Twilight rejects can wait as far as I am concerned.

Well I dont want dog or cat people or Twilight rejects. The Nazi Werewolf has been a pulp genere staple since the 1940s. Even as a individual hero I would be immensely satisfied.

As for its role? Well it would be different then zombies and apes as it would be infantry hunter. Effective stats against Infantry AC 1, 2 and 3 (think 6/1, 4/1 and 2/1). Probably only a 1/1 against Tank AC 1 and 2.

He himself would be M1 AC2 H4 with Jump and Damage Resistance and Berserk or Charge.

I would also like to see some Axis Rocket Troops, AC2 with jump/fast/flight (rules), sub machine guns and knife/grenade.

And of course bring on the aircraft, at least one for each side.

Peacekeeper, I have a Count Chockula figure from a box of the cereal of the same name I will mail you. It is the right scale and should provide hours of good chocolatey Dust fun. Let me know gui%C3%B1o.gif

Grand Inquisitor Fulminarex said:

Peacekeeper_b said:

Grand Inquisitor Fulminarex said:

We need Axis Rocket Troops and Air units. Dog and cat people and Twilight rejects can wait as far as I am concerned.

Well I dont want dog or cat people or Twilight rejects. The Nazi Werewolf has been a pulp genere staple since the 1940s. Even as a individual hero I would be immensely satisfied.

As for its role? Well it would be different then zombies and apes as it would be infantry hunter. Effective stats against Infantry AC 1, 2 and 3 (think 6/1, 4/1 and 2/1). Probably only a 1/1 against Tank AC 1 and 2.

He himself would be M1 AC2 H4 with Jump and Damage Resistance and Berserk or Charge.

I would also like to see some Axis Rocket Troops, AC2 with jump/fast/flight (rules), sub machine guns and knife/grenade.

And of course bring on the aircraft, at least one for each side.

Peacekeeper, I have a Count Chockula figure from a box of the cereal of the same name I will mail you. It is the right scale and should provide hours of good chocolatey Dust fun. Let me know gui%C3%B1o.gif

Dude I would so use that model it isnt even funny. He would be in my Vampire Counts Warhammer Fantasy Army (that I dont have, but would build around him), he would be on my Undead Blood Bowl Team, he would be a member of my Chaos 40K Army (see Vampire Coutns above), I would use him in Incursion and Tannhauser (if I ever figure out the rules for either, or at least be motivate denough to try to read the rules).

And he would lead my Axis forces to victory!

Now to go ebay search for Frankenbeery, Boo-Berry and the rest!

You guys are just too funny! I am seriously LMFAO!!!

Zombies are easy to explain, they are just an unfortunate side-effect of the life-prolonging serum being developed from the tissue samples of the dead aliens. But where the heck do you expect to find wherewolves?

Grauenwolf said:

Zombies are easy to explain, they are just an unfortunate side-effect of the life-prolonging serum being developed from the tissue samples of the dead aliens. But where the heck do you expect to find wherewolves?

Really depends on what style of Werewolves you are expecting.

Lon Chaney JR style are just exceptionaly strong men who have a hair growth problem and slight fangs/claws going on witha slight lupine limp in thier walk, which could be caused by mising alien Vrill Blood (or other genetic material) with human blood. German Scientists trying to perfect the ZOMBIES into something more then semi-mindless rampaging "un"dead.

Similar to how the INTELLIGENCE has been added to apes, they could raise the intelligence of actual wolves. (Or Hyenas! for Tina).

Perhaps the attempt to create a classice "Wolfman" leads them down the flesh golem/frankenstein monster path with the mixture of parts being animal and human, reinforced wth some science and engineering and then exposed to VK or Vrill blood.

You could field Lycanthropes as an expiriment to combine animal senses and strengths to a human host, with alien medical tech.

And while, yes, they would be melee oriented, they could focus on stealth, and speed, and they dont have to be mindless. having somekind of infiltrate skill ( maybe something new) and Fast, for weapons, maybe TOOTH and CLAW for melee, and Demo Charges for anti tank, Move 2 plus fast would be scary, Armor 2, so not to powerfull. I like the idea of them haveing some what human minds still, if a little ferel and always hungry! oh, and maybe Damage Resistance to represent Supernatural constitutions.

Just some ideas.

have fun blow'n stuff up!......and shedding on the battlefield!

The Axix have Apes and Zombies so I can see the experimenting on warewolves to, but at the end of the day it will be just another fast close-combat orientated squad and 2 is enough of them units.

I was thinking of putting them out this month. Them, vampires, and demons. They were all going to be universal units due to the fact that there are fiction about gyspies and werewolves and nazis and werewolves. Same with vampires and demons. Storywise I would say something along the fact that bothsides could potentially have them through some story.