QUestion: equal evidence

By player1250776, in Android

Hello guys! i just played android a few time and last night a strange thing happened. at the end of the game, the value of evidence of 2 suspects were the same. how do i decide who the murderer is?

Suspects are listed in order of priority from top to bottom on the case sheet .....

So if eve is above noise and they both score the same ....... EVE is convicted

Have a better one


well i, for a reason, dont think so. because if we refer to the order of the suspect on the case, it would non-randomly benefit one player who randomly gets the top suspect as the guilty hunch. and also, logically, imagining this is a true event, it is a random chance that the first suspect be the the possible murderer more than any other.

so i agree with the answer from another thread, which i forgot, that says that it is better to decide based on the more damning (positive numbers) before the calculation since it means more evidence leads to that person rather than the other one, even if the final calculation is the same.

i believe, logically, it is better to decide the murderer this ways since he/she has more evidence that proffs him/her guilty over others.

Nice idea for a homerule, but not official ruling anyhow...