I made some game boards for Dust Tactics. They are shown off here: fomarcreations.com/MoreArtwork.html . We played a 900 point per side 6 person game this past Sunday at our favorite game store in Milwakuee WI. Heres a pic of the boards.
I made some game boards for Dust Tactics. They are shown off here: fomarcreations.com/MoreArtwork.html . We played a 900 point per side 6 person game this past Sunday at our favorite game store in Milwakuee WI. Heres a pic of the boards.
Looks ptetty good to me, do you group the trees together to make area's of impassible?
Very nice boards ...
The single large trees provided absolute cover, you couldn't shoot in or out. The small trees were soft cover. The other pieces were a combination of soft and heavy cover. The game was won by the german/ russian forces on the 8th and final turn. The bridge was the objective. The game was great fun, but I think we had to many points per side. After the game we discussed lowering the points to 150 or so per player. Dust is a great game for the money, and the models are great looking.
great idea, and great board nice mate.
Here is the scenario we used:
I like it. It's the first real 3D attempt ive seen