Chinese saving unit ability

By Ringarin, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

When using the Chinese ability to save a unit does that count towards the requirement to lose an army or not? Like you lose 2 units, but save 1, do you still lose an army marker or not? It is killed, but doesn't die. At the moment we are playing it has to be 2 units actually being destroyed and going to the bottom of the pile at the end of battle.

Ringarin said:

When using the Chinese ability to save a unit does that count towards the requirement to lose an army or not? Like you lose 2 units, but save 1, do you still lose an army marker or not? It is killed, but doesn't die. At the moment we are playing it has to be 2 units actually being destroyed and going to the bottom of the pile at the end of battle.

First you have to check for loss of figures due to lost units, after that you can use the Chinese ability.

Also keep in mind that a winning army can never loose it's last figure no matter how many units it looses.