For those allied to the Stark Banner, thoughts please.

By Mykel The Vile, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

When you buy LOW expansion you also get the deck notes. Regarding the Tully's of Riverrun. Why is it the deck notes only play 1 Muster event card ?

In my opinion it would be a lot more beneficial to your cause to play more than 1, especially considering the notes are asking you get certain characters in play as quickly as possible.

I know the deck notes are only really put in as a starting point to deck building but, in my opinion Muster is mustard and should be used at least x 2 if not x 3.

And its not if you could say, well there's not enough knights in your deck to warrant using x 3 Muster as the deck includes Ser Edmure Tully, The Blackfish x 3, Tumblestone and Knights of the Red Fork x3

So, I'm just wondering why the deck notes do not maximise there theme by adding Muster x 3.

I keep winning melee's with this deck, its brilliant. I love the Riverrun card.

Because you are supposed to be able to build those decks off just core and that box and muster only comes one per in the core box.

Ah, ok. Didnt know that as I swapped the card of our Bara player. I'm sure he said he had 2. Will have to get some more myself.

Do you play the Tully deck mate ?

No i don't play the Tully deck. I have a Stark unique deck I'm tinkering with as I get back into playing but every time I look at it I just end up lamenting the fact that They Live didn't get reprinted (though probably with good reason) and reminding myself I need to get around to ordering Princes of the Sun so I can get the dual house uniques I'm missing.

Whats "They Live" an old CCG chapter pack or something.



It was an any phase event that made all unique Stark characters cannot be killed until the end of the phase.

I am me said:

It was an any phase event that made all unique Stark characters cannot be killed until the end of the phase.

bet grrm liked that one.

Mykel The Vile said:

Whats "They Live" an old CCG chapter pack or something.


I never saw it in action (wasn't a CCG man) but can see how it might be slightly irritating to have your opponent use it in combo with Wildfire/Valar/Winter Has Come/etc; before following up with big military challenges + kill effects to slaughter any of your surviors (and I guess that, if that didn't win already, they could just 'shield up' with repeated Power of Bloods to stop you throwing a similar reset in return).

Cheers mate.

Did you receive those cards LW.