Gaining coins

By ylwong, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

I have my first game and found the game easily win through gaining coin, my question will be as follow:

1) If your outskirt of your city have a coin or a great person, do you gain the coin every turn?

We played as gaining the coin each turn as though as they are same as trade/production.

2) How many great person you can have in a city?

Hello !

1) You can't "harvest" coins on the board. If you have a coin in the outskirts of your city, it counts only once. If you lose control of the square (city destroyed or someone blockading the square with a figure) then you lose the coin. It works exactly the same with scouts on such squares.

2) You can have any number of great people in your cities providing you respect placement rules (no great people on water squares...)

From my playing experience, coin victories are the easiest at first, but it becomes much harder in following games, as players see you coming.

Hope it helps.

Thx, it seems that we have played it wrongly.

sorry.. I am fine post can be deleted ... sorry