Blast weapons are quite good for harming hordes, but many of the larger vehicle weapons are moddelled as a low rate of fire and a high blast. This seems problematic as the turbolaser on a Thunderhawk is actually less lethal to some amsters and vehicles than an attack with special ammunition from a Storm Bolter or other high RoF weapon. The solution my group has been using modifies how blast interacts with larger targets, allowing tanks to finally be better at killing eachother with main guns than a horde with stubbers.
For every 3 points of blast a weapon with blast trait has, it can score an additional hit on a target of sufficient size. The size modifiers are used here. So a hulking target can be hit one additional time and enormous target 2 additional times, and so forth.
So a blast 6 battle cannon could hit a Carnifex three times for its damage rather than merely once, actually inflicting a resonable quantity of wounds, and similarly certain missiles and grenades are much more useful against large targets.
This obviously increases damage output of certain weapons against certain foes, but most weapons with blast are quite uncompetitive compared to high RoF weapons, this change brings them more on par, and is reasonably easy to implement across several different weapon types. In particular, this makes the plasma cannon considerably closer to viable as an anti-vehicle heavy weapon as it should be.