Sorry if this is listed somewhere else. I searched for a while and found no info.
Sorry if this is listed somewhere else. I searched for a while and found no info.
I am curious about this as well. I've got several games to sleeve and I don't want to play them until I do.
They should be available soon as they have been "shipping" for some time in the upcoming list. Should be only a few more weeks, at the most.
I've been waiting months.
I can only hope they place the next order well before they sell out, otherwise it will be difficukt to keep them in stock.
They are great sleeves and worth waiting for.
I came here to make the same thread. All Seattle stores I've been to are out of stock as well. Plus all the online shops seem out as well. I'm thinking they weren't prepared for the demand of LOTR and the like. We needs our sleeves! Help FFG!
As far as I know, the whole planet is currently out of stock of these sleeves.
Still no word? Online and brick/mortar stores that I normally go to are all out.
Looks like FFG hit a gold mine in the gray sleeves area. My FLGS said they are always kind of back ordered. I also read the Star Wars sleeves will be gone pretty quick once they hit stores.