Help a new GM with some rules

By zjungle, in Deathwatch

I am new GM i have started my campain I had got most of the rule there was a few I didnt get.

1) Armour I know it covers all the body and I was wondering one of the starting gear is repair cement right so how does armour become damaged?

2) I looked in to Thunder hammers it has two rules one says you may not parry with but another that when you do you have a chance to break the oppents weepon and i was wondering how do you rule it?

Thanks for help


1- I can't be specific, no books at hand, but it is in the book. It has to do with taking wounds exceeding the armor value that breaches the environmental seal. Repair cement fixes the seal.

2- Thunder Hammers can't parry. Weapons who try to parry the Thunder Hammer have a high chance of being destroyed due to the power field.

Thank you if can find where the amour damge is could you post it on this post

Thank you

ItsUncertainWho said:

1- I can't be specific, no books at hand, but it is in the book. It has to do with taking wounds exceeding the armor value that breaches the environmental seal. Repair cement fixes the seal.

2- Thunder Hammers can't parry. Weapons who try to parry the Thunder Hammer have a high chance of being destroyed due to the power field.

1: when power armor takes damage in excess of the armor value the armor is no longer environmentally sealed. Repair cement fills those cracks and makes it sealed once more.

2: Incorrect. A weapon can be destroyed only if a more powerful weapon parries it. The only thing I can be certain atm capable of destroying a thunder hammer is a runeblade. Runeblades can destroy power weapons, power weapons destoy normal weapons. You can parry a runeblade with a combat knife all day long and it won't break, but if the runeblade parries the knife theres the chance it will break the knife.

The thing to remember a parry isn't a full on block as seen in the movies. To completely stop an enemies sword swing you'd have to be 2-3 times stronger than your opponent to overcome the attacks momentum, thats why parries deflect rather than block. You are glancing the blow away from your body with your weapon, you don't have to stop the attacking weapon just knock it a few inches to the side. You're normal sword is striking a non-cutting edge of a sword, shaft of the hammer, or wrist of the arm at an angle and then nudging it in a direction. The attacking weapon isn't putting any force on the parrying weapon, its actually the other way around. Therefore the attacking weapon is not able to damage the parrying weapon.

Where can i find such info on the evomently sealed rule for power amour

zjungle said:

Where can i find such info on the evomently sealed rule for power amour

Page 161, Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer
Page 163, Damaging Power Armour
Page 173, Repair Cement

to claryfy

A krak Grendae is damage 3d 10+ 4 Gm enemy rolls 6 + 5 + 8 =19 + 4 =23

take the pen brings power amore to 4 (6-10=4)

So the TB and AV are take off the damage 23 -14 = 9 now the is not broken yes where as if had been 25 -14 = 11 the seal is broken