My Post about Black Crusade

By TkNyarlathotep, in Black Crusade

"For some of the more nastier scenes, I’m taking influence from such charmers as The Gestapo’s Last Orgy and The Beast in Heat, along with the ever-classic Ilsa, Wolf-Woman of the SS (starring lots and lots of bare breasts)."

Are you really sure this is a good idea? Regular Slaaneshi and Nurglesque hyjinks are already going to be uncomfortable and awkward as hell. Are you sure you want to go that far beyond the limits of good taste? I mean, regular Dark Heresy and Black Crusade chars are going to be huge on the shock value already.

My players are all going to be "in" on it, so to speak. I only intend to go overboard enough to entertain, not enough to veer into "that guy" territory. And I'm always open for negotiation, so if someone feels it needs to be toned down I will gladly tone down. The reason for most of those movies was mostly for feel and content, not entirely emulation. So there won't be any frisky cavemen or S&M orgies running about frightening the players and making people feel awkward, but the limits of good taste will be pushed as far as entertainment will allow them.

I'm aiming for more an emulation of the experience one has watching these movies, rather than an emulation of the movies themselves.

Ah, I see, cool. Have you considered how to avoid the usual pitfalls about centering a campaign around an NPC rather than the PCs, or do you not think it'll matter?

He's going to be more of a quest-giver than a GMPC. Instead of wandering around with the PCs, he'll be kind of doing his own business at the head of the operation. The PCs are going to tie in their backstories with his, and vice-versa, so they'll have a reason to be running the operation. My first PC is a Night Lord who aided Athaliah in his second campaign, and actually was responsible for a major victory that ultimately won them the campaign. So instead of being his story, it's going to be all of the PCs' story.

This sounds like a great idea. Being part of a war with the brutal settings and what not fits in exactly. As a player I played in a D & D game with a huge invasion/war thing going on, and I found that to be very fun. Hope it goes well for you and your players, and hope to see more posts about it.

Thank you very much! I'll be putting up blog posts about it each time we have a session, and I'll put them up here on the forums. Chances are they'll be fairly NSFW, cuz god knows what B-Movie I'll have watched by then, but I'll make them as fun to read as possible.

Thanks for the support, mate!