Hello everyone, if you've read the forums then you may have seen me around a lot. I have been getting a lot of emails about grimm, which is making me wonder if people still frequent the forums. I'd like to give back to the community, but only if there's a community to give to. Is anyone out there!? I'm still seeing threads' view count rise.
Are these forums still alive?
Laughmask said:
Hello everyone, if you've read the forums then you may have seen me around a lot. I have been getting a lot of emails about grimm, which is making me wonder if people still frequent the forums. I'd like to give back to the community, but only if there's a community to give to. Is anyone out there!? I'm still seeing threads' view count rise.
I know for a long time, once I was caught up in the Grimm forums, I hadn't seen new posts for some time. I don't think the forum is dead, so much as in hibernation. People keep viewing the threads, but not much posting is happening. This may always change in the future.
-=Brother Praetus=-
I still kep an eye on the these forums as often as I can, but with none of my players willing to try grimm and GM'ing two other RPG's at the moment I've not got any spare time to give to writing for Grimm. It's still on my list of 'games to play/run at some point' but until then I won't have much to give to the community.
I take a look now and then to look for new posts, but not too much to post myself really.
Yes, man, said forums are alive. Most of us come in here and read posts and then take off. We'll get around to posting something in here...eventually. Some of us are just plain busy too. Besides having to read three or four other fantasy rpg's, I've just bought Grimm, Dark Heresy, and the Warhammer FRPG! I've got a ton of reading to do before I can even post anything in here, and even worse, I read so slowly that I average about three pages a day! I'm still reading that little story in the front of Warhammer and it's taking me years but I'm enjoying it all. Happy gaming to everyone, for now!
Yea I guess haven't been around anymore. Well, here's a facebook "like" page in case you were looking for one and none of them attended your "visual needs" like it happened to me.
Why is Grimm only available in PDF format on the Fantasy Flight Games website? Have they stopped printing the book? I only checked today out of curiosity and found that out. Is that it for supplements for this role playing game?
Haxblud said:
Why is Grimm only available in PDF format on the Fantasy Flight Games website? Have they stopped printing the book? I only checked today out of curiosity and found that out. Is that it for supplements for this role playing game?
Yeah, it's been out of print for a while now. As far as products, there's only the rulebook and nothing more. I've been trying to think of a story hook to create an up to date Adventure Module for new characters. Unfortunately college split up my previous group so I never got a chance to finish my Neverland adventure. However, I'm thinking of revamping it to improve on some areas and post it.
I've really got to get around to reading that book one day!
It's always been quiet, which is rather unfortunate.
As for me, my players are split at the moment now, so I'm considering it might be about time I do a complete restart with new players.
I've always been interested in doing a module of sorts, with pre-planned scenarios, encounters and objectives. The problem is last year I soon realised that Grimm is best played using a certain approach. I found it's best to divide the sessions into small objectives, with small areas to explore, a climax, and then a big reward at the end. I remember reading this in the book and I now see where they were going with that. Anything too obviously grand just didn't sit well with me and my players - and I became hesitant about creating a module soon after I garnished more experience leading the game.
Now that work has quiet end down a bit, I'll be visiting here more often. Would love to see more input on this issue I found.
Alive and growing! I just joined because I picked up the .pdf a week ago, and I'm excited to try to run a game. I'm seeing if some of my friends want to play right now.
brerphoenix said:
Alive and growing! I just joined because I picked up the .pdf a week ago, and I'm excited to try to run a game. I'm seeing if some of my friends want to play right now.

CoheeD said:
It's always been quiet, which is rather unfortunate.
As for me, my players are split at the moment now, so I'm considering it might be about time I do a complete restart with new players.
I've always been interested in doing a module of sorts, with pre-planned scenarios, encounters and objectives. The problem is last year I soon realized that Grimm is best played using a certain approach. I found it's best to divide the sessions into small objectives, with small areas to explore, a climax, and then a big reward at the end. I remember reading this in the book and I now see where they were going with that. Anything too obviously grand just didn't sit well with me and my players - and I became hesitant about creating a module soon after I garnished more experience leading the game.
Now that work has quiet end down a bit, I'll be visiting here more often. Would love to see more input on this issue I found.
I attempt to get here and check out what is going on but been busy myself in the last year or so which has led to me not stopping in as frequently as I use to. The boards are kept alive by those of us who still pop in from time to time and keep discussions going. Grimm is a very special game and although it only got one book there is still loads of stuff you can do with it. Lots of additional material found in faery tales and books that inspire. Like said way back when I was using it for a Spiderwick campaign. The next time I can get this to the table I would like to do something Alice in Wonderland inspired.
Has anyone printed out their PDF version? I'd like to do so but am quite unsure of how to go about it.
Maese Mateo said:
Yes I have. I got it printed and hard bound at at large stationary chain. Due to some errors on my part I ended up with the page numbers on the inside margin instead of the outside margin. Despite this the printed book still works quite nicely.
KonZill said:
Yes I have. I got it printed and hard bound at at large stationary chain. Due to some errors on my part I ended up with the page numbers on the inside margin instead of the outside margin. Despite this the printed book still works quite nicely.
My hope is that since Dragonborn (also out of print) got a few novels, maybe…Grimm, too?
*Looms out*
Just checking up on this place. Man, I was a jackass a couple years back. Sorry about that, guys. XD