"At the start of the encounter the overlord automatically puts into play, for free, the lieutenant’s Power card; and if he has any treachery, may spend it on a hand of cards at normal costs. Additionally, 2 cards without a treachery cost may be added for 1 treachery of the correct type (no Power cards). Cards may be played or discarded for threat as normal, but can only be played once."
Q1: "may spend it on a hand of cards at normal costs" - OL can choose and take treachery cards from treachery deck while the sum of treachery cost is equal or below what his avatar has?
Q2: "may be added" - is this a random draw from OL deck? Or can OL choose the cards he wants and for 1 treachery he gets 2 cards.
Q3: If OL chooses spawn cards, can he spawn creatures not on lieutenants list?
Q4: We just started a RtL campaign, so I don't have any idea how to play OL. What is the reasonable ammount of treachery during the campaign (for a sorceror king).