So I've got a player in my group who plays a Black Templar Assault Marine (& Champion), he's the only player who has attended every game, and we've been playing at least once a week since Deathwatch came out, more or less. Its generally understood his character is "the toughest," he's a dedicated player who's a great role player and always willing to help in any way. Sounds like a brilliant player to have!
Except he's the luckiest dice roller I've ever seen. We had a game last night that pitted my group against Tyranids. The BT single handedly tore apart a Carnifex, waded through the largest horde I had ever put the group against and then horribly battered a Zoanthroape to death, not to mention a wide assortment of other beasties during the game.
During the whole thing he suffered 4 damage. His Iron Halo force field was deflecting so many shots that I started keeping an eye on what he was rolling in case he was cheating, but sure enough it was all legit. Aside from regularly failing awareness tests and never really rolling righteous fury, the guy's blessed by the Emperor! I've never seen anyone roll dice the way he did.
Now while he's playing fair, and that's all well and good....but when a single player is dominating half the opposition by himself the challenge of the game starts to decline, and I think some people are starting to get a touch jealous when their characters for all intents and purposes "pale in comparison" to the great and mighty Champion.
I've even tried giving him ethical issues to challenge him in a different way and he handled anything I threw at him with confidence in his character's beliefs and personality, which to be fair is consistent and pretty spot on for a BT.
Any idea's on how I can challenge the Black Templar Assault Marine/Champion with an Iron Halo, Deathwatch Relic Blade and Adamantine Mantle, Step Aside, Turn the Blade, Preternatural Speed + Lightning attack, Abhor The Witch (with 4 fate points left!), and Fearless?