if he commits to a story on my turn will his effect go off after my opponents commit their characters or is at the exact time he commits that his triggered effect goes off?
ravager from the deep
He wont do much good when attacking. After you commit, Ravagers forced response takes place, then opponent commits adn they do not suffer from ravager
ok so at the exact time he commits his effect goes off then? the effect doesnt wait until the opponent commits?
kamacausey said:
ok so at the exact time he commits his effect goes off then? the effect doesnt wait until the opponent commits?
Well, his repsonse doesn't trigger until he commits, which (on your turn) will be before your opponent has a chance to commit.
Sorta goes like this:
1. Active player commits characters
2. Reponses to comitting can happen.
3. Actions may be taken.
4. Passive play may commit characters.
So on your turn you commit (technically at the same time) all the characters you want to where you want them. Then resolve any responses (aka Ravager). So if you sent any of you guys with the ravager, he would wound them. That ends the Ravager's effect. Assuming no other responses or actions, your opponent then has the opportunity to commit in defense. Since your ravager's effect has already resolved, it doesn't effect the newly commited characters.